Thursday, December 30, 2004

On the ninth day of Christmas break...

Andy is sick. Very sick. Two days before he is supposed to leave for Missouri and he is spewing stuff from God knows where. Its hard to judge the seriousness of it if you dont know what end it is coming out of.

Did I mention we ran out of paper towel AND garbage bags???

We're now in a whole different type of hell here...

He is finally eating now thanks to some strawberry yoghurt, so I have just enough time to do day 9. Day 9 everyone, 3 full days left of Christmas break.

This sucks...

Oh yeah, I went running, so I can eat and drink beer here tonight. Running sucks, but its 2 for 1 night. I LOVE Ladies Night!

BTW - George... someone came to my site searching on Google "George Knapp sucks" WTF? I can give you their IP address if you want, just let me know...

peace nick

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Tribute to Paul Wellstone

Whether you are a Republican or Democrat, I think you will like Mason Jennings tribute to Paul and Sheila Wellstone. Paul was a Minnesota Senator who died in a plane crash with his wife, daughter and a few campaign staffers.

You can listen to it on his website. Its in the right hand corner of the website. You can click on the different albums and play a few songs from each. Ballad of Paul and Sheila was on the latest album - Use Your Voice.

peace nick

On the eighth day of Christmas break...

thats depressing. Its already the eighth day... isnt eighth a weird word to write? Ah, I never was much for the English language.

Anyways, I had a couple thoughts this morning:

Ive been trying to keep up on this tsunami thing going on. Notice you never hear anything about Burma? Or is it Myanmar? They had to have gotten hit pretty hard, I would think, from looking at some maps. Maybe one of my New Year's resolutions will be to learn a little bit about this area. Maybe become a monk and travel there or something... ya never know....

Thinking a little more about the numbers you have to click on Blog Explosion... I bet you could tell a lot about a person by whether they have ever intentionally clicked the wrong number... just to see what would happen.

Could you split it liberal/conservative? You know, liberals will do something they know they shouldnt and they know is wrong, and then complain when there is a consequence. Conservatives will just always click the right number and live with that question of "what happens". Why waste 30 seconds of my time?

If I didnt have to paint today, I would ponder it more.


peace nick

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

On the seventh day of Christmas break...

Nick was handed a paint brush and told...


and so I painted...

peace nick

Monday, December 27, 2004

Blog... um... Explosion....

So here it is. Everyone does it. I just follow along. Here is my post explaining my Blog Explosion experience... gag.

I told myself I wouldnt write one. I lied to myself.

Most people would spend the first few paragraphs explaining what Blog Explosion is. You know what it is. And if you dont, then who cares, right? Anywho, over the last few weeks, like the rest of ya'll, Ive looked at WAY to f-ing many blogs. I want to shoot myself sometimes.


I cant... Would you just give me some f-ing "mystery credits" so I can sleep knowing at least a couple people will spend 30 measly seconds with my blog on their screen? IM DESPERATE!!!

BTW - whats the mystery about mystery credits? Its not a mystery. I know how I got them, you gave them to me. Hopefully you gave me more than 2 or 3, but I can understand you're CHEAP ASSES!

So because Ive looked at like, oh, every blog out there, Ive naturally developed some pet peeves. Im like that. People do things that get to me. Like describing themselves in the 3rd person. Who doesnt know that is so wrong?

Welcome to my blog. Nick spends most of his time on the computer checking hits to his blog. Even though I am Nick, I am talking about myself as if I am someone else. I must be... uh... um.... uh...


What do you mean WRONG CLICK??? What difference does it make what number I click??? KISS MY ASS! Maybe I have a disease that causes me to shake uncontrollably... I think its caused by that empty feeling that you are just typing and typing and no one cares and yet you keep typing like you have something important to say when you really dont so you just keep typing and thinking and typing and shaking and AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Anyways... another thing that irritates me is when people cross words out, as if they are too lazy to go back and erase what they already typed. I dont even know how to do it.

Welcome to my blog. No, wait, cross that out, but leave it there, and put.... um, weblog. Yeah...

This post is becoming so stupid. Im just stretching for crap. Really Im just trying to do something productive while Blog Explosion runs in the backround. Thats right... Im not actually reading the blogs.... so there. I hope you actually read this whole post and stayed more than 30 seconds.

Teach you sucka!

**UPDATE - As soon as I hit publish... I won 2 mystery credits beeyatches! Im sorry for all those bad things I said about all your blogs. Happy blogging!!!

peace nick

Mark your calendars!

If you live within driving distance, Mason Jennings has a show scheduled in Milwaukee in February:

Thursday, Feb. 24
Shank Hall
1434 North Farwell Ave.
Milwaukee, WI
8:15 p.m.

Of course, if you cant make it... more beer for me!!! Yay me!

peace nick

On the sixth day of Christmas break...

not much going on. The cold is gone. Both my head cold and the awful -30 degree wind chills. Its still snowing though.

Ive begun to finish the year long project. Last Christmas break we remodeled the kitchen. Well, began to remodel the kitchen. This year Im determined to finish it.

Well... begin to finish it... We'll see how it goes.

5 days and counting until Andy begins his journey to his new home.

peace nick

Sunday, December 26, 2004

On the fifth day of Christmas break...

it just keeps f-ing snowing...

horrible horrible pictures of Andy in the snow, but it was -7 this morning so I wasnt in the mood to stand outside. Actually a heat wave compared to the past few days...

peace nick

Saturday, December 25, 2004

On the fourth day of Christmas break...

my true love gave to me...

iPod mini


peace nick

Friday, December 24, 2004

On the third day of Christmas break...

hell officially froze over.


is the temperature at which hell freezes.

Yeah... Ive got your global warming right here people

Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 23, 2004

On the second day of Christmas break...

... someone gave to me... a foster dog who craps on the kitchen floor. Twice (Im not making that up because this is the second day). Because apparently


is the temperature threshold at which dogs decide its too damn cold to crap outside...

peace nick

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

On the first day of Christmas break...

... someone gave to me... a F-ING COLD and a cough medicine buzz to write home about... oh, and -20 degree wind chills...

I may not live in hell, but I can see it from my house.

sniffle sniffle

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

2004 in review

Well, with the end of the year fast approaching, and this being my last day of work before the 12 days of Christmas break... perhaps its a good time for a year end review of some things we've learned, discussed, etc...

This year I discovered blogging, obviously. Ive always enjoyed writing and this blog has been the perfect outlet for that. You can write some quick thoughts, or a more drawn out post. You can write several posts a day. I enjoy the peer interaction, although its been limited thus far. But the blog is young, I have a lot of good ideas I want to write about in the new year. Maybe we can even do some good, who knows...

I think this year I have become even more confused on where I fit with regards to politics. I never really agreed with much of the Democrats platform, but this year I found myself more and more disagreeing with the Republicans platform as well. I think for the most part I have a firm grasp of what I believe, Im just not real sure where those beliefs fit in with the two main political parties. If they even do.

Though I did learn this year that if you are a State Attorney General, you can drive your taxpayer funded car into the ditch. While drunk. And refuse to take a blood/alcohol test. And get away with it. But only if you are a Democrat.

I also learned that you can dump billions and billions of gallons of raw sewage into Lake Michigan. And get away with it. But only if you are a Democrat.

This year I returned to life in dog rescue and was elected Adoptions Coordinator of our rescue. Ive learned a ton from that position. Ive also learned a lot about volunteering in general. You can only work with what you have, and you cant save the whole world. Sometimes thats hard for people to grasp, and it usually leads to them burning out and going into hiding.

Ive learned a lot about people this year. Some people thrive on dysfunctional relationships. Some people dont even know there are beers out there besides Bud Light. Most people have never heard of Mason Jennings or Jack Johnson, and probably never will. Some people can argue anything, and will. Most will resort to insults if you ever decide you've had enough arguing with them.

This year I realized that a lot of people are against energy production, no matter how it is produced. There are people who will oppose every thing you can possibly come up with.

Finally, maybe most importantly, Ive learned this year that you should not take anyone, or anything, for granted. Especially those people and things that are most important to you. This year on June 18th my father passed away. A week later we had to put one of our dogs to sleep. Later on in the year my grandmother passed away. I could go on and on about what Ive learned from all of this, but I think I can sum it up with the cliche - life is too short. Dont take the people that are close to you for granted.

peace nick

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Im opposed to that... oh, and that too...

Every day when I am at work I will usually grab some lunch from Subway or Quizno's, and surf the web. I try to keep up on daily events from the right wing sites like Drudge and Mark Belling. But I also browse the main stream stuff like Yahoo, and what have you.

Lately I cant stand even looking at the news. Everywhere you look, someone is opposing something, or is offended by something, and when I read the reasons why... I want to throw up.

Here are some examples:

When asked about Social Security privatization, Gerry Shea of the AFL-CIO so brightly stated - "We shouldn't be putting more risk on people, we should be shoring up the basic system."

BANG! You're dead... Its so nice that the unions get to decide for everyone now, even if you dont belong to a union.

A local one... when asked about their opposition to a local wind farm (wind turbines producing clean energy), Daniel Schmidt of the Town of Lomira commented that the turbines could be a danger to birds that fly over their home. Daniel remarked - “They (proponents of the wind farm) say they fly above the height of the turbines, but I’ve seen them and they do fly low.”

Good job Daniel. Im impressed at how stupid you are. Really. I am.

Further, another stupid citizens group is - meeting regularly to garner support against the project —– raising concerns about birds and the environment, property values, noise, light flicker and other issues.

Im thinking citizens groups should be banned in this state...

And finally, the worst idiot of them all... Sidney and Jennifer Stock were interviewed about their opposition to their local city hall having a Christmas tree. Sidney gleefully chimed in with - city hall should "Act as a place where everybody feels welcome. It is impossible for everybody's religious belief to be displayed and non-religious belief to be displayed, so therefore, no religious beliefs be displayed."

Im not even sure what that meant, but it sure does sound stupid to me. Maybe I should start a group opposing Atheism... how would they like that?

Sidney... dear Jennifer... come here for a second... MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS! If you dont believe in Christmas, fine, great, I love you all the more for it! But what the F*CK makes you think you are so important that you can just waltz into city hall and demand that everyone bend over backwards to please your sorry asses? GO HOME, dont celebrate Christmas, fine, who cares, but leave us poor schmucks who like corporate welfare and overly obnoxious holiday music and Christmas trees the f*ck alone.

Merry CHRISTmas everyone!

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Hey... Andy?

Sometimes you are just in the right place, at the right time.


is a picture just taken of my foster dog, SITTING, on my dog's head... and staying there long enough for me to take the picture...

peace nick

Momma Im coming hooooome

Good news, Andy is tentatively scheduled to begin his journey to his new home January 1st! I guess no drinking for us on New Years... ba humbug.
If you know of anyone driving between Wisconsin and Missouri with room for a cute little Rottweiler, let me know!

peace nick

This idea has been ripped off...

Dont say I didnt warn you. But I was reading someone's blog, I should have saved the link to give proper credit... but, oh well.

Anyways, they said to send the ACLU Christmas cards.

Isnt that too funny? Its hilarious!!! I HATE the ACLU, and you should too.

So do me and yourself a favor, and send them a fricken Christmas card! NOW!!!

peace nick

Monday, December 13, 2004

Is it warm in here?

Can anyone tell me what this is?

Very good... its a fireplace, with a fire. But more specifically, its my fireplace. And I built the fire tonight with some wood and some paper and some matches.

Now... why was it a good idea to have a fire tonight? Anyone?

No, not because Im planning a romantic night with that special person... well, maybe, but think more in the present...

No, not because I have that desire to kick back with the dogs, an organic beer and read a book next to the fire to unwind from what has been a fairly miserable day so far. Nope, not that.

Whats that? Because I dont have any heat in my house you ask? Bingo! Wouldnt ya know it... Im having this fire in my house because my furnace is currently not working... and I had to call a furnace fixing place to come to my house, after hours mind you, to fix my MY STUPID F-ING FURNACE!

This is my life people. If its not my car being stuck in park after work on a Friday afternoon, or, you know, the occasional cracked windshield... or two... if its not one of those things, its my house. Breaking.

Did I mention that the roof leaks as well?

Just so you know, the temperature outside, with the 17 mph wind is... oh, a balmy 5....

5. Degrees. Fahrenheit.



How to argue a point

Once upon a time I belonged to a dog related email list, called Rottie-L. It was an email list dedicated to the discussion of Rottweilers. I know, you're thinking - awwww, how fuzzy... an email list about cute little doggies. Yeah, sometimes.... Sometimes it was a very educational list, sometimes it was a list of fuzzy congratulations and birthday announcements, litter announcements... all that good stuff.

But like any subject we discuss in life, there were disagreements. There were arguements. Sometimes it got downright nasty, as people from all over the world discussed passionate topics (to them, mind you) about responsible breeding, laws pertaining to animals and even animal rights.

Naturally in a forum of 800-1000 people, if you want to get someone to see your point, or even "come over to your side", you had to be an effective.... arguer, I guess you could say. Because I spent several years on this list, I developed some simple mental guidelines that I used to argue my points. Maybe you can use them when you are arguing yours.

With that, the - how did you get here - rules of engagement:

1. Use facts. There is a reason that conspiracy theories are just that - conspiracy theories.

2. Stereotypes are an easy way to get around thinking.

3. No one is ever educated via insults or belittling. Save it for your closing point.

4. I am always right, you are always wrong, the sooner we all agree on that, the better.

Enjoy, and happy arguing!

peace nick

Friday, December 10, 2004

Me no say sorry

Have you ever been asked - if you could be anyone, who would it be? I'll tell you who I would be, I would be a caveman. Think about it, life as a caveman must have been so simple.

You didnt have to worry about saying something that would upset your woman, if something pissed you off, you just beat her over the head and then went out and took more aggression out on poor little animals. You sure as heck never had to apologize for being insensitive.

Apologies belonged solely to the cavewoman, which is how it should be - Im sorry for not washing your fur, Im sorry for not crying loud enough when you beat me, Im sorry for... well... Im just sorry. Please, beat me more...

You never hear a caveman say, Im sorry, did that hurt when I whacked you over the head with my stick? Im sorry honey, I dont feel like babysitting Unga's kids tonight...

Life as a caveman was all about taking aggression out, and killing animals. Throw in some football on Sundays, and we're talking the ultimate goal of 99% of the men out there.

Somewhere along the line we slipped up and now we have to apologize for, well, just about everything. No one likes to admit they were wrong. When you are wrong, you should be able to just beat whatever is right. If you are the caveman of course...

peace nick

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Im serious now

Ive always wondered how I would be able to be serious, when Ive spent so much of my energy here trying to be funny, sarcastic and witty. Will the people that come here, all 3 of ya, expecting to see the latest rant about my car or whatever, leave and not come back? Will it not make any sense? Like, maybe everyone will just assume its a joke, and be disappointed by the lack of a punch line.

I guess sometimes you have to take chances. Here's my chance.

I went to visit my dad today. For the first time in almost 6 months. It was hard for even me to grasp that. 6 months... There have been birthdays, even my own, and holidays like the 4th of July, Thanksgiving have come and gone... but I havent seen him. I havent talked to him. Well, I have talked, but he hasnt. Im not even sure he is listening. Maybe its not important.

6 months ago, everything was different. We would talk about work, and how he had finished his last major project, which was a bed set for him and my mom. He was right, even though no one believed him. How could someone give up something they were so good at?

Sometimes when everything changes, you just block certain things out, and the changes dont seem as drastic. You cant always forget about them, but you dont always think about them either. I guess like everyone else, I dont like change, and maybe thats why its been 6 months.

Im not real sure where my dad is, or what he's up to. Playing with a few of the dogs that have passed thru here, or making some crap out of wood, who knows. I just know that I would give anything to talk to him, even if just about work. Its been a long 6 months.

So yeah, thats about it. Sorry if you actually read thru all of that, it probably doesnt make much sense to anyone. Much lighter subjects to come in the future, promise.


Tuesday, December 07, 2004

God bless you...

Well the time has come to sign up for next semesters classes. Tonight is the last night of Electronics... not a day too soon. Talk about an awful class. Any electricians out there? Electrical engineers? Bless your souls... I wouldnt take your job if it included free Subway for life.

So Im looking through the available courses... lets see.... there is Literature and Art (now I know why they call these liberal courses...) and.... oh crap.... Major Religious Traditions of the World. This is the price I pay for going to a private college I guess.

I know what you're thinking. You vote Republican, but you're not religious? True, I do tend to lean Republican, and true, most Republicans are... well.... I'll just say the religious right has taken on a new meaning as of late, eh? So why am I not religious?

Lets take a trip back in time, if we could. Its my sophomore (isnt that a weird looking word?) year in high school. I didnt really care all that much about school, I mean, who did? So anyways, Im sitting in my World Studies class, which actually probably was my favorite class. And the topic is about world wars, and all that good stuff. And you know how you are day dreaming, not really paying attention, and then all of a sudden you focus for just a second. Well, I did just that, and then, my teacher said something that has stuck with me to this day. It made so much sense....

He said, "More people have died in war, in the name of God, than for any other reason."

At the time, of course, I was a confused young kid, I was a punk, did lots of drugs, all that good junk. But this made so much sense. More people have died in the name of God than for any other reason. And if there is a God, who is supposed to be this all loving creature, how could he let this happen?

Through the ages, people have been slaughtered, raped, terrorized... all because of their religious beliefs. Religious people are not a tolerant people apparently, even despite the message they preach about, love thy neighbor, whatever. Sure, love your neighbor, so long as they believe in the same God as you. And if they dont, they are satan, or infidels, or what have you.

"More people have died in war, in the name of God, than for any other reason."

Think about that. What if there were no religion? Would there be terrorism? Would Islamic terrorists exist? Would there be peace in Northern Ireland? Would our own country be split into red and blue states?

Does religion cause more harm than good?

I guess that depends on what you believe. I believe. I believe people should stop worrying about what other people believe.

peace and love

Monday, December 06, 2004

I have a plan...

This is kind of a political post, but more just common sense. Hey, it beats a blistering review of that stupid documentary I had to watch this weekend.... I think you know what Im talking about...

But, in John Kerry's words, I have a plan. Originally I was thinking it would save us a couple trillion dollars, but turns out I cant add... but it would still save us a couple billion dollars a year.

Ready? Seriously are you ready? Its so easy....


I know. You're thinking, duh, thats it? Thats your big plan genius boy?

Get this... in 2003 alone, the US tax payers paid $1 million to fund Botswana's military. $1.5 million to fund Kenya's military. $6 million for Nigeria! Nigeria!!! Can someone tell me how funding Nigeria's military to the tune of $6 million helps us one fricken bit?

Wait, it gets better.... MUCH better....

Just in 2003 now...

Bolivia - $2 million
Argentina - $2 million
Columbia - $98 million!!!!
El Salvador - $2.5 million
East Timor - $2 million (who even knows where the f*ck that is???)
Phillipines - $20 million
Bulgaria - $9.5 million
Czech Republic - $11 million
Hungary - $11 million
Kyrgyzstan - $4 million (because they do what for us?)
Macedonia - $11 million
Turkey - $17.5 million (a little steep for a country that wouldnt even allow us to cross over their country to take out a brutal dictator)
Israel - $2.1 BILLION (we could fund a lot of private social security accounts with that money)
Oman - $20 million (Oman?)
Jordan - $198 million (wow...)
Pakistan - $50 million
Tunisia - $5 million

And here is the ultimate kick in the teeth...

Egypt gets only $1.3 BILLION!!!! EGYPT! I have news for the US government... Egypt HATES us you f-ing morons! And yet, we give Egypt $1.3 billion in just one year! For what? What does Egypt do to back us up militarily? Are they in Afghanistan? Iraq? Anywhere???? Their own continent is a bloody, aids infested mess, and they do absolutely nothing to help.

$1.3 billion dollars.... to Egypt.... I swear the next person that mentions tax cuts to the rich, Im going to break their damn nose.... At least it went to people IN this country....

You're welcome Egypt, Israel, Turkey.... every other g'damn country in the f-ing world who hates anyways....

Oh America, they are devil.... except when they send lots of money...

Suck it up you ungrateful bastards.... suck it up....

peace nick

Friday, December 03, 2004

Confucius say...

I usually try to refrain from quoting people, because I kind of have my own quote:

He who quotes others, has nothing good to say himself.

But, since I dont really feel like griping about the idiots who went into the ditch on my way to work today, or the crappy snow crap in general... I will leave you with something someone sent to me in an email this morning. Enjoy.

Oh, and the subject was: Reasons to drink beer.

One night at Cheers, Cliff Clavin explained the "Buffalo Theory" to his buddy Norm: "Well ya see, Norm, it's like this. A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine! That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers."

All I can say is.... WOW....

peace nick

Thursday, December 02, 2004

More nude flight attendants to come!

Woohoo! We are now #7 on MSN's search engine for "nude flight attendants"!

Thats awesome. I'd like to thank my fans, whom without, none of this would have been possible.... and of course the flight attendant unions for providing the inspiration.....

psst.... hey guy looking for nude flight attendants...... GET A REAL HOBBY!

peace nick

Ready.... Set.... Ebay!

I think Im on the verge of a brand new addiction, because, you know, I do need another one.... I actually was sort of addicted to it at one time, but the fad has passed, in the midst of dropping another addiction, which was drinking lots of really weird beer. I still drink beer, but I limit myself to the best beer on earth.
Anyways, to the point. So a couple of days ago, as Im doing my internet Christmas shopping. Which by the way, if I could get off an another tangent, is sooooo much easier than actually leaving the house and shopping. Yeah, so, a couple of days ago as I was doing my internet Christmas shopping, I placed a bid on... yup, you guessed it, Ebay. It almost gives me the chills saying it. I bid on Ebay. Im an Ebay'r. Kind of like a blogger, but not that kewl.
So I placed my bid on a.... well, I cant tell you what it is, because its a Christmas present and I would give it away for a very special person... But I will tell you that the MSRP was like $225. I could have bought it right away for like $90, which I considered, because it looks worth it. Of course it is not exactly small, so there is like a $30 S/H fee... so it would have cost me....... lets see... 90 plus....... carry the 1...... like, 100 and some odd dollars.
So, for starters, I placed a max bid of like $15. And what is kewl is Ebay will bid the lowest amount needed, and then automatically bid up to your max amount, should any savage try to outbid you. May their poor souls ROT IN HELL.
Whew... anyways, so Ebay bids the minimum, 99 cents. 99 cents! Im thinking, hey, I could get this thing for like $30 when it would have cost me..... something like 100 and some odd dollars had I just bought the thing and not messed with the bidding at all.
Now all I need is for everyone else to leave my auction alone, and I'll get this awesome deal! But nooooooooo. Of all the things for sale on Ebay, some dumb skank decides she wants the exact same thing, and is bound and determined to jack up the price of my killer deal.

cardellagrl.... if we ever meet in the streets, its fist-a-cuffs bitch....

She bids $20. $20! You just increased the price of my deal twenty fold, in one fell swoop! DAMMIT!

So now Im thinking, I cant let this go on any further. The bidding has to stop NOW if I want to get at least part of my deal. So I quick goat think... I know, I will let her think Ive given up on the auction. If I dont outbid her, she wont outbid me back... you see the strategy thinking here? I impress myself sometimes.
So comes the end of the auction last night at 9pm. So far the plan has worked, and the bid remains at $20.

5 minutes left.... I make my move.....

$30 max bid. This is seriously the most Im going to pay for this. This is like 30 times my original price for crying out loud. If this happened in a store, Id a knocked the slut out.

"There's no way Im paying $30 for that bottle of soda bitch!" SLAP! PUNCH!

4 minutes left.... nothing.

3 minutes.... 2..... 1......

Wait.... is she trying to outbid me in the last minute? SHE IS!

$24..... 45 seconds..... Holy crap! Ebay outbids her... $25.

She strikes again with 30 seconds.... $26.

Ebay outbids her... $27.

She bids $28.

By now Im scrambling to change my max bid because there is no way Ive come this far to be outbid in the last minute of a 7 day auction. You savage bitch!

Finally with like 10 seconds Ebay outbid her with the final bid of $29. Victory! Im exhausted but not so much as to prevent wild celebrating.

I WON! I WON! Woman, if you EVER try to pull that crap again, I will track you down... and cruel and unusual punishment aint got nothin' on me....

peace, and happy Ebaying! Just stay away from MY auctions.....

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Winter is gay (remember?)

Ok everyone, gather around... Lets talk about #7 on my list of things not to put in your blog that no one reads. I have a feeling that mine is actually the only blog that no one reads... but, either way. Ok, so you know those pop-ups that people have on their websites? You know, you click on a link to their website and before you even get into the website, there is that little stupid text pop-up thing?

*I am gay, click ok*

Umkay, so you hit ok.... and ANOTHER one pops up...

*Didn't you hear me? Im GAY*

Yeah, fine, I get the picture, you are definately gay (not that there is anything wrong with that). Now can I enter you're damn website already? Let's not put these pop-up things on blogs or even websites any more. There is nothing so important that every one must read, even before getting into your stupid website.
Good. Good talk everyone. Now get back to work and stop wasting company time reading blogs!

Just kidding... I would never discourage wasting company time.

peace nick