Friday, December 10, 2004

Me no say sorry

Have you ever been asked - if you could be anyone, who would it be? I'll tell you who I would be, I would be a caveman. Think about it, life as a caveman must have been so simple.

You didnt have to worry about saying something that would upset your woman, if something pissed you off, you just beat her over the head and then went out and took more aggression out on poor little animals. You sure as heck never had to apologize for being insensitive.

Apologies belonged solely to the cavewoman, which is how it should be - Im sorry for not washing your fur, Im sorry for not crying loud enough when you beat me, Im sorry for... well... Im just sorry. Please, beat me more...

You never hear a caveman say, Im sorry, did that hurt when I whacked you over the head with my stick? Im sorry honey, I dont feel like babysitting Unga's kids tonight...

Life as a caveman was all about taking aggression out, and killing animals. Throw in some football on Sundays, and we're talking the ultimate goal of 99% of the men out there.

Somewhere along the line we slipped up and now we have to apologize for, well, just about everything. No one likes to admit they were wrong. When you are wrong, you should be able to just beat whatever is right. If you are the caveman of course...

peace nick


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, but there's a reason the caveman evolved.

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im sure there is a reason... Im just not sure what that reason is...
Thanks for stopping by.

10:36 AM  

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