Tuesday, December 07, 2004

God bless you...

Well the time has come to sign up for next semesters classes. Tonight is the last night of Electronics... not a day too soon. Talk about an awful class. Any electricians out there? Electrical engineers? Bless your souls... I wouldnt take your job if it included free Subway for life.

So Im looking through the available courses... lets see.... there is Literature and Art (now I know why they call these liberal courses...) and.... oh crap.... Major Religious Traditions of the World. This is the price I pay for going to a private college I guess.

I know what you're thinking. You vote Republican, but you're not religious? True, I do tend to lean Republican, and true, most Republicans are... well.... I'll just say the religious right has taken on a new meaning as of late, eh? So why am I not religious?

Lets take a trip back in time, if we could. Its my sophomore (isnt that a weird looking word?) year in high school. I didnt really care all that much about school, I mean, who did? So anyways, Im sitting in my World Studies class, which actually probably was my favorite class. And the topic is about world wars, and all that good stuff. And you know how you are day dreaming, not really paying attention, and then all of a sudden you focus for just a second. Well, I did just that, and then, my teacher said something that has stuck with me to this day. It made so much sense....

He said, "More people have died in war, in the name of God, than for any other reason."

At the time, of course, I was a confused young kid, I was a punk, did lots of drugs, all that good junk. But this made so much sense. More people have died in the name of God than for any other reason. And if there is a God, who is supposed to be this all loving creature, how could he let this happen?

Through the ages, people have been slaughtered, raped, terrorized... all because of their religious beliefs. Religious people are not a tolerant people apparently, even despite the message they preach about, love thy neighbor, whatever. Sure, love your neighbor, so long as they believe in the same God as you. And if they dont, they are satan, or infidels, or what have you.

"More people have died in war, in the name of God, than for any other reason."

Think about that. What if there were no religion? Would there be terrorism? Would Islamic terrorists exist? Would there be peace in Northern Ireland? Would our own country be split into red and blue states?

Does religion cause more harm than good?

I guess that depends on what you believe. I believe. I believe people should stop worrying about what other people believe.

peace and love


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