The wizard has answered...
LOL, we did fight about this when we were like 17 and I was much more jealous and insecure than I am now. You can guess what her answer was...
But I don't think I would want her to. While obviously our lives would be a zillion times easier and funner with a million dollars, I think it would just eat me up inside thinking about that night. Maybe if it was some old, disgusting dude and I was sure she wouldn't enjoy it the slightest, but was just doing it for the money, then maybe.
Do you think monogamy is natural?
I wouldn't say it's natural. I think it would be much easier to run off and be with multiple partners. There's no work involved in that. But I don't think it would be as fulfilling as being with one person forever.
If you could teach your son only one thing about life, what would it be?
I would teach him that life is much easier and more fulfilling when you make an effort to do good things.
Would you go to a nude beach?
No. For one I don't have the body to parade around nude. But beyond that, I picture them being full of perverted old men, and that's not something I find all that fun.
If you could switch places with a famous person for one day, who & why?
Puff, in a heartbeat. Have you seen the yachts that dude cruises on?
If the opportunity should arise, would you have sex in front of another couple?
It's hard to picture how that opportunity would arise, but I guess I would :) I think I'd rather have sex with another couple rather than just having some people watch us have sex though :)
If you could choose anywhere in the world to live, where would it be?
I always wanted to live in Germany. The history there would keep me entertained to no end. I think the politics would drive me crazy though :)
If you were granted 3 wishes, what would they be?
1. I shall have 1 billion dollars
2. My body shall put the finest male model to shame
3. My family shall be healthy and live to 100 years old (is that two wishes?)
Do you think losing your father at a young age has affected you as a parent, and if so, how?
It's definitely affected me as a person. I'm a lot more aware of the fact that life doesn't go on forever, and death doesn't always knock first before barging in. I can't really point to anything I do, or would do, as a parent that would be different if my dad were alive though.
What would you eat for your last meal?
My mom's spaghetti.
Do you ever worry that you got married too young?
Nope. The hot wife and I have been together since we were 17. Marriage only changed how we do our taxes. We truly are soul mates, so if I had to do it over 100 times, I would do it exactly the same way :) (guess who's getting laid tonight?)
You've been in school for a while now. Where do you see yourself professionally in 5 years?
A while? Ya think? I call 10 years an eternity, not a while LOL Honestly, there's not very many places I can go professionally, at least at my place of current employment. A step up would be Engineer, and I missed that boat years ago. I wouldn't make a good Engineer anyways. There aren't a lot of logical reasons for me going to school really, it's just something I continue to do to keep learning.
If you could relive one day in your life (not make changes to it, just relive it) what day would it be?
I think the first time I did acid in 9th grade. Some crazy, crazy things happened that day... and then that night... and then that next morning. The day we got married would be a fun one to relive too, but I was so nervous until about 8 in the evening when the beer started flowing LOL
What's your opinion on open marriages?
Uh, no. Unless it meant that the hot wife only had sex with other women, and then hells yeah.
What blog is your favorite to read? (just kidding.)
I like Suburban Bliss. She's a very good writer, very funny and very real. And I have a feeling she drinks as much as I do, so I don't feel as much an alcoholic parent...
How many kids do you hope to have?
I would like to have a boy and a girl, so two.
How would you feel if Braeden announced that he was gay?
I'd be a little pissed that I would have no one to go to Hooters with, but other than that, I wouldn't care.
What's the meanest thing you ever did to someone?
A couple of years ago the hot wife and I went thru a rough patch. She just started a new job and was working a lot, so I spent a lot of time at home being bored and feeling insecure like an idiot. And I remember one little spat we had, and at some point she asked if I still loved her. I replied something stupid like "sometimes". I felt like such a jackass because I obviously didn't feel that way and don't know why I would say that other than to be mean. But I think it made me realize how immature I was acting and our relationship is a million times better these days :) I love you schmoopy woopy!
What's your favorite song to make out to?
Whatever song is playing in the backround on the porno we're watching...
Do you believe in karma?
I'm actually a pretty big believer in karma, but I'm not a Buddhist or anything. But I do think when you do good things, good things happen to you.
Have you ever lied to your wife?
Yeah... I lied about what I may have or may not have done at my bachelor party LOL I'm a strong believer in the "what happens at a bachelor party, stays at a bachelor party" theory. So I lied. Sue me.
Why are you choosing to parent the way you do?
We didn't really choose anything, we just go with the flow and try to have some fun in the process :) We don't really prescribe to other people's parenting "styles". If there is one thing I simply cannot stand, it's someone telling me how I should do something, and parenting is certainly no exception. We shall blaze our own path :)
Do you think J'Lo sucks or is she totally awesome?
I don't know, but her husband is fugly.
What song do you sing along loudly with in the car that you would NEVER let anyone else hear you sing?
3am by Matchbox 20, the acoustic version :) I pretend I'm playing the piano too, because I've always wanted to be a piano player.
Bea Arthur or Estelle Getty? (if Estelle Getty were alive)
Definitely Estelle, she was hilarious!
Whew! That was tiring LOL
Labels: '08 election, nothing