Where's the beef?
I guess I thought the pregnancy would be a whole lot more... exciting. Not that it isn't, to us. But to write about it, it's hard. I'm sure you don't want to hear about how the hot wife barfs at the mere mention of Taco Bell, or how my favorite drinking partner suddenly went straight edge on me, or how fun sex is with a pregnant woman...
Well, maybe you want to hear about the last one. Although the sex is quite noticeably less frequent...
I can't help thinking that I just spelled noticeably wrong. Did I? I'm too lazy to look it up.
Anyways, where was I?
Yeah, the sex. Less. But fun. I think that's good. Honestly, I was at a point back in February where I was burnt out. Go ahead guys, call me a pussy. I can take it. It's hard flippin' stuff to have sex every day for 4 months. It was still fun and all, but it was a whole lot of pressure. That's not natural.
You know what the funnerest part of sex is now? The boobs. The hot wife's boobs are flippin' awesome.
No. You can't see them. But trust me, they are yummy.
So yeah, I guess if anyone has come along thinking this would be some great daddy blog, sorry if I've disappointed you. I think I will stick with the general commentary, unless anything really big happens with the pregnancy. Or, in case some day I come up with something funny to say about it. Don't hold your breath.
The bull fighter post though... admit it, you spit your coffee on your keyboard... I'm funny.