Monday, February 28, 2005

The Sierra Club is the one that stinks...

There is pending in this lovely state of ours new rules which would "establish state standards for odor of livestock facilities". In other words the state wants to tell its farms how much they can stink.

I dont ever just make this crap up (pun intended). You can read the article here.

What I found interesting is a quote by Sierra Club goon Caryl Terrell... wait.... Caryl? Is that like Carl or Carol? How about idiot... we can call him/her just idiot and then I dont have to do the research to figure out what fricken gender this moron is.

Anyways, idiot says:

"It's a very sensitive issue for farmers because it goes with the territory that you'll have odors," Terrell said. "But it's also true that your rural neighbors have the right to sit on their front porch and enjoy the afternoon or have company over for a picnic and not worry about manure being spread."

First of all you may be wondering why the Sierra Club even gives a rip about farms stinkin'. Well, they just stick their noses into everything with the intention of making everyone's life hell in the name of "protecting the environment" blah blah blah... A bunch of hypocrits as far as Im concerned. And then they turn around when all of our jobs have moved to China and pretend that the policies they lobby for arent responsible.

Anyways, idiot says that a farms neighbors have the right to sit on their front porch without having to worry about the smell of manure.... SAYS WHO? Where is that right spelled out in the US Constituition?

I have some news for these idiots who complain about manure smells.... YOU MOVED NEXT TO A DAMN FARM! ITS GOING TO SMELL LIKE MANURE!

This is how selfish we have become as a human race. People now think they can move out in the country, next to a farm that has probably been there forever, and tell them that they cant stink like manure anymore.

"We want to have company over.... for a picnic.... and we dont want to have to smell manure..."


This life would be so much better without the people....

BTW - who the hell has picnics anymore?

peace nick

Friday, February 25, 2005

i am dum...

i think one of my biggest pet peeves is when people type emails and and dont use any punctuation __ instead they just use an increased amount of spaces

or they use the wrong punctuation __like when they type a question like this __ do you know how to do this. _the f-ing question mark is one key away from the period my man __ sure it requires the use of the shift key _but cmon

whats even more amazing is when people type like this and include in their emails say_ upper management or the public in case of public organizations

do you now how stupid that make you looks when you type this.

i now its a major pain to use capital letters and correct punctuation and all that _ but it not only makes you look smart but the people subjected to your crap wont want to kill you everytime they see you because the migraines you caused them from having to decipher your secret email code wont go away

even if you dont use capital letters ever _at least use a period or question mark at the end of every sentence so people now where you ended you stupid sentence __ it probably doesnt make any sense anyways but at least people now where to stop and go back and reread whatever the hell you wrote _so they can at least try to make some sense of it

peace nick

Thursday, February 24, 2005

More sexism in disguise...

Today is "Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day". Well, isnt that swell?

Isnt that more degrading to women than it is beneficial? Doesnt that imply that women are unable to make their own decisions on what career to pursue?

You never see "Introduce a Guy to... Day". No... that would be sexist...

Here are some ideas for introducing guys to female dominated.... things:

"Introduce a Guy to the Girl's Locker Room Day"

"Introduce a Guy to a Day of Peace and Quiet So He Can Watch Football With His Friends Day"

"Introduce a Guy to Not Bitching and Moaning About the Noises the Car Makes Day"

"Introduce a Guy to a Night of Meaningless Drunk Sex Day"

"Introduce a Guy to Long Erotic Backrubs Day"

"Introduce a Guy to a Clean House When He Gets Home From Work Day"

"Introduce a Guy to a Home Cooked Meal When He Gets Home From Work Day"

You get the picture I think. We've helped women long enough, its time for the guys to get some. Get some guys... get some....

peace nick

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I can be a chick too... and a hot one...

I think its absolutely hilarious that some bloggers that were originally thought to be very attractive women are now being exposed as the frauds they are. And everyone with links to their sites are being exposed as the suckers they are...


If you actually go to someone's blog, and read it religiously, simply because they are an attractive female, you are a loser. And now that the frauds are being exposed, so are you. You might as well save some dignity, stand up and admit what a loser you are.

The world is full of shallow, sex-craved men, and the blogger community is apparently no exception to the rule. Im just amazed that so many of these suckers actually thought the frauds were interesting... enough to read... Im also amazed at the fact that most of these losers actually think girls who look like that would give them the time of day.

Men in general have no concept of natural attraction. Let me spray it like this... pretty girls dont like LOSERS! And no girl, that you want to introduce to your family someday, wants a guy who so blatantly drools all over her... or her blog... or his blog for that matter.

I dont know where my fellow men went wrong.... I really dont. Perhaps when women gained some rights in society, they realized they can go far with sex appeal, and thus the ugly nerds (most men) were left behind. Now they can only hope the desperation and drooling isnt as obvious to these so called women as it is to people with brains.

How did I get so off topic here? Anyways, these nerds posing as women really dont deserve the mass amounts of attention they are getting. Anyone, me for example, can put a picture of a hot chick (whaddya say Amy?) on their blog and attract 1000s of these losers, but whats the point? Its obnoxious enough to watch all these losers drool over women, or men posing as women, why on earth would I want them drooling over me? Or who I am pretending to be?

I think they, and the losers who flock to their blogs, should be banished from the blogging society altogether. Crucify them! Off with their heads! Good looking, ugly, and otherwise...

still just myself posting.... ugly, but real....

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Im a little lost now...

Today I made the decision to not seek re-election when our dog rescue elects its new board of directors in March/April. I know, you are just shocked at this breaking news.... But when you have spent 6 years helping to build a non-profit organization from nothing, its a little hard to just walk away and leave your baby in the hands of other people.

6 years guys... and then nothing. What the hell am I going to do with myself?

Well, I have semi-agreed to take another dog. Exactly what I said I would never do again, but Im weak like that. And impulsive.

Being impulsive is quite possibly my worst trait. I literally have the patience of a gnat. Some would argue the intelligence as well... To them I say, yeah, but what about you?

No, dad, what about YOU? (Remember that from Breakfast Club? Dont you watch any good movies?)

But really, being impulsive is no good. Do as I say, and think things thru before you act. You will be much happier in life.

So I guess for the first time in 6 years I will not be a volunteer anymore. Just some regular schmuck who sits around and lets everyone else do the crappy work.

Maybe I could volunteer for Greenpeace or something...


No wait.... thats PETA.....

peace nick

Monday, February 21, 2005

Ever hear that one about the....

Have I ever told you guys about the awesome weather in Wisconsin? Yeah, it even snowed yesterday... like 6 inches of the SH*T! I think I might just build a snowman tonight, just so Cleo can pee on it...

And to those who seem to be more interested in marriage and kids and all that nonsense garbage...

I will discuss the pets, and occasionally make vague references to this chick I hang out with all the time (because the sex IS better when I do stuff like that) but other than that nothing about my personal life, and those who share it with me, will be mentioned.

No marriage, no kids, no discussing the innocent people in my life that do not wish to be exposed to the harsh realities of the cold, dark world that is internet blogging.

There are 8 gazillion other blogs out there that discuss marriage and kids and all the goofy crap that goes along with those topics. Some of the blogs are actually entertaining. I even have links to a couple which I find entertaining to read on a daily basis.

But here we are different, or so I like to think. The topics I pick are usually just bitching and moaning and trying to get people to see the common sense approach to different pending issues in today's society.

So lets leave it at that, shall we?

Good. Good stuff. Glad we had this talk.

peace nick

Friday, February 18, 2005

Im not that passionate...

We watched Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson last night. I know, I know... finally???

I dunno... I guess I will say at most I am neutral. Without dealing with the actual story/plot... how entertaining is an hour and a half of watching someone being tortured and condemned? Not that exciting for me I guess.

As far as the actual plot. I wish Gibson would have built up to the actual crucifixion a little better. As someone who is not all that knowledgeable about the stories of Jesus, it was a struggle to put it all into context. I understand some, but was expecting a little more education.

The part that intrigued me the most was the focus on Judas. From what little I have read, there is some differing opinions on whether Judas betrayed Jesus, or whether Jesus sent Judas. I dont know what really happened, I can see the arguements for both sides. But it seems as though Gibson is saying Judas betrayed Jesus. Why else would Judas go thru so much hell, and then finally kill himself? I dunno whether Judas really betrayed Jesus or not, but makes you think twice about crossing Jesus, huh?

Overall I would give the movie 2 stars out of 4. I think it spent way too much time just showing Jesus being beaten by the Roman goons. I would have made that story about 10-15 minutes of the movie. Spend the rest of the movie detailing life before the crucifixion, and then spend some time detailing life afterwards. I think you would have had a much more interesting movie that way.

But that could be why I am a CAD Designer, and Mel Gibson is a actor/director.....

peace nick

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Hell yeah I'd kill someone!

Last night during our Lit. and Art class, we read a play about a woman who killed her husband after being abused. The other women in the play knew she did it, but the men in the play (sheriff, attorney) couldnt put their hands on the right clues because they were "thinking like men". Whatever... stupid friggen sexist plays....

Anyways, while discussing the play after reading it, our teacher posed the following question:

"Would you kill someone?"

And I thought, do people really debate this nonsense? Are you telling me that there are people out there who would not kill someone to defend themselves or other innocent people?

I dont know about ya'll, but I would kill someone even if I didnt feel it was life or death. See, Im a big fan of capital punishment. In fact, I think it should be expanded and people should be executed for rape, child abuse, a whole range of crimes in which we go soft on people now because we, as a society, are a bunch of ninnies.

I know I would take great pleasure in killing someone if they raped someone close to me, or if they sexually molested one of my kids. No problem cutting open their chest, ripping out their heart and stuffing it where the sun doesnt shine.

Its hard for me to understand how some people cant even stomach executing mass murderers.... Ninnies....

peace nick

I wanna hump Alan Greenspan...

for saying this yesterday:

"If you're going to move to private (Social Security) accounts, which I approve of, I think you have to do it in a cautious, gradual way," Greenspan, 78, told the Senate Banking Committee, where he was delivering the Fed's semi-annual monetary report to Congress.

Hey, I have 42 years, take all the friggen time you need. Maybe there is hope after all...

peace nick

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Poetry in motion!

When I first started this blog I railed on people for posting poetry in their blogs. But this Literature and Arts assignment on free verse poetry has me in the mood for some. So Im making a new rule, and thats that I can break any rule I ever made/make.

Do as I say, not as I do dammit!

Here we go...

I bet you came here wondering
just what I did for Valentines Day
Well tough...
Im not going to say
I will say that it involved school,
KFC and the Bachelorette
And then I got butt naked
and took a shower... and got wet...

Was that awesome or what? I love poetry. It makes me feel so free. You see? Alright, enough...

peace nick
the master of the lyric
make you sick yo... yeah...

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Welcome to America... need a drivers license?

There is a news story today in the LA Times regarding a bill in the US Congress that would prohibit states from issuing drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. I dont feel like posting the link, find it yourself...

It goes into the controversies of the bill, includes the usual Democrat whining about how the Republicans wont play fair, and blah blah blah...

And then there is this paragraph:

But immigration advocates, groups supporting civil and privacy rights, and state government organizations oppose the bill. They say it would make it harder for those fleeing persecution to seek asylum in this country and would endanger public safety and national security by denying driver's licenses to millions of illegal immigrants.

Does anything about that paragraph strike you as odd? If not, read it again. Let me help you out...

and would endanger public safety and national security by denying driver's licenses to millions of illegal immigrants.

I wish I was making this up. But you can go to the LA Times website and read the story yourself, its right on the front page.

There are actually people in this country that are against preventing ILLEGAL immigrants from getting drivers licenses. In the name of public safety and national security mind you...

Um, guys, these people ARE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!! ILLEGAL! That means, not only should they not be allowed to get a drivers license... THEY SHOULD NOT EVEN BE HERE! If we want these people to be able to enjoy the freedoms and rights that us legal Americans enjoy, then make them LEGAL IMMIGRANTS!

Its amazing to me that these same groups will blast the government for all the unemployment in this country, but at the same time they want to let every Juan, Julio and Jose walk in and out of this country whenever they damn well please.

"Hey everyone in Mexico, why bother following proper immigration procedures... just come on over illegally and enjoy all the same freedoms and rights as everyone else. Oh, and you dont have to pay taxes either because we have no idea who you are or where you live because you ARE HERE ILLEGALLY TO BEGIN WITH!!!"

I love America. Only in this country can you be so stupid, have the most whacked and illogical beliefs and still be considered a legitimate advocacy group...

peace nick

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I still love you Walmart...

Today Walmart is announcing that it is closing a Canadian store where the workers chose to be represented by a union.

First of all, how funny is that? The minority anti-Walmart crowd is already rabid enough... to pull this off would be the ultimate kick in the teeth to those whiny little babies. How American of Walmart. I mean... Canadian... eh?

Second of all, good for Walmart! Just like it is the right of workers to unionize, it is the right of companies to choose not to deal with the unions.

If you dont like it, you can take all those now unemployed workers and start your own Walmart. You can pay your workers whatever you damn well please, and charge whatever you damn well please for your products, and you can make your store as big as you damn well please and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Anti-Walmart people are dumb. Sorry, but its true. Let people make their own decisions on where they want to work. If you want to work at Walmart, get paid a crappy wage, have no health insurance, its your life. If you want more for your life, take the damn initiative, better yourself and get a better job.

If you dont like Walmart, start your own business and convince people to shop and work there. Give the people a better product for a better price. Give the workers a good place to work, with good benefits and pay.

Put your money where your loud, obnoxious mouth is or shut up and go home.

I should be CEO of Walmart....

peace nick

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


It is a plural noun. There is no such thing as raviolis.



peace nick

Social Security? Again?

Yes Biznitches! I was listening to the radio the other day and they were talking about some of the details of the Social Security plans for private accounts. One of the details that I dont think most people understand is how, if we had private Social Security accounts, you could take advantage of the power of compound interest.

For people my age, this could be a HUGE amount of money at retirement. Use this website and see how much it would mean for you -

I ran a couple of calculations based on myself. If I work until retirement, I have about 42 years to go. Wow... that sucks.... Anyways, if I am able to put 4% of what I make into a Social Security private account (which is what a lot of the plans are calling for) that would be about $2,000 if I make an average of $50,000 a year. 50,000 x 4%... c'mon, I cant do everything for you...

If I could make just 5% a year on that investment, I would have $283,986.68 from just that account when I retire.

If I could make roughly 9.45% on that return a year, I could retire a millionaire. Think about that! I WANT TO RETIRE A MILLIONAIRE!!!!!

The choice is simple. You can pay all this money in taxes and possibly end up with nothing, or if you are lucky, something significantly less than what you paid your whole life. Or you can take 4% of what you pay in Social Security taxes, and put it to work in a private account that you control. Even a very conservative account will bring in more than what you will get back from Social Security when you retire.

Furthermore, when you die, you basically get squat from Social Security. There is a one time death benefit of a couple hundred dollars, but thats it. With a private account that is yours, you can leave all that money to whomever you choose.

Its so simple, and yet 50% of the people in this country are too dumb and brain-washed to get it. 50% of the people would rather give their money to the government, than keep it in a private account of their own.

50% of the people in this country are just dumb. DUMB! STUPID! IDIOTS!

peace nick

Candy heart hearts?

Guys, you are going to have to skip this post, it may make you ill. And there are pictures in this post, which makes me ill, but its necessary to do. I apologize in advance.

Valentines Day is the worst holiday in the friggen world for a guy. Your options are limited. Spending too much money on purely material items or spending too little and coming across as cheap.

Or... you can go for the romance. Guy beware on this issue though. Once you attempt to go down this road, there is no turning back. Every year you will be expected to take it to a higher level.

This is where I screwed up. This was my present last year:

Actually, I cheated and took both the romance route and purely material route... I bought a watch to go with the candy heart heart. I know... Im a sick sick person.

But this year Im screwed. What the hell am I going to come up with to one-up the candy heart heart? Here's what Ive come up with so far:

Nothing. I got nothing. With less than a week to go before V-Day... I have no ideas on what I am going to do.

Its going to be a long February...

peace nick

Monday, February 07, 2005

You think epilepsy is a joke?

Ive had it with people still using the fading in and out on their websites! Dude, its so 80s!

STOP WITH THE F-ING FADING ALREADY!!! Im going to start having friggen seizures soon...

Its not even cool anymore. Really.

Here is a test for you webpage "artists" if you want to know if something is ok to put on a website. Have someone over 40 look at your website prior to releasing it into the wild. If they go, "Ohhh, kewl!"



peace nick

Round and round and round she goes...

Wisconsin is officially the merry-go-round of crappy weather. In case you couldnt tell from previous posts Ive made on the subject. This past Saturday it was 50 degrees. 50! Thanks for the sick f-ing joke oh dear Mother Nature...

"bwahaha, this is what you COULD be having right now if I werent such a life-sucking bitch!"

So most of the foot of snow we had has melted, which made for some lovely flooding conditions. But a little water is better than a lot of snow, so I wont complain too much.

But now we are approaching the other side of the merry-go-round. The side that is closer to Wisconsin weather HELL.

Today started with some wonderfully appropriate Monday fog and drizzle.... which is supposed to turn to freezing drizzle..... and then snow.

Two days ago it was 50! Did I mention that already?

I do however find great pleasure in those who, despite living here year round, still do not understand that the 50 degree days will leave just as fast as they came. Everyone is going to get their tans started, washing the 37 layers of salt off their cars, cleaning out the garages...

Thanks to all those who go out tanning in February and make my "Im so pale and dead looking because Ive been stuck in Wisconsin frozen weather hell for the past 7 months" look stick out that much more.

peace nick

Thursday, February 03, 2005

G-Spot... a myth?

I love this site - It has a lot of good quotes from all the Seinfeld shows. I found the following conversation on this website, between George and Jerry:

"Well, Jerry, I've been thinking. I've gone as far as I can go with George Costanza."

"Is this the suicide talk or the nickname talk?"

"The nickname... George, what is that? It's nothing. It's got no snap, no zip. I need a nickname that makes people light up."

"You mean like Liza!"

"I was thinking T-Bone."

"But there's no T in your name. What about G-Bone?"

"There's no G-Bone."

"There's a G-Spot."

"That's a myth."

- George and Jerry, in "The Maid"

Is George on to something here? Is the G-Spot really a myth?

uh.... I forget where I was going with this.......

peace nick

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

You rock...

Every night I go to bed with the same girl. And I wake up with the same girl. Sometimes we do more than sleep...

I see her when I get home from work, and when I get home from school. She listens to me when I talk about both.

The food I eat is made by her. The clothes I wear are washed by her.

She unplugs the iron when I leave it plugged in all day.

She leaves her clothes on the floor, and wet towels on the bed. So do I.

She does the budget and the bills and makes my haircut appointments. She even dyes my hair when it gets too gray.

She lets the dog out and keeps the cats fat and happy. A little too fat...

She lets me bring home foster dogs, and keep them, even when they eat all the trim.

She keeps the house clean and washes the dishes.

She shovels the snow, takes out the garbage and makes sure the mail is brought inside. She takes the big bills to work so I dont have to see them.

She gets me a half price discount at the bar. Only on food though.

She takes care of me when I get sick. From the bar mentioned above or otherwise...

She lets me write anything I want in my blog, reads it and sometimes even compliments me.

She is my cook, maid, accountant and best friend. And I wouldnt have it any other way.

She rocks.

peace nick

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Becoming more libertarian by the day...

This will be a semi-political post. You've been warned.

I have two issues to blab about, and although I will use my time to bash both Republicans and Democrats, the issues are just common sense. I think you will enjoy.

The first issue is a bill that was introduced in the Wisconsin legislature yesterday to require that voters show a photo id in order to vote. In case you aren't aware, and you probably aren't... there is a massive vote fraud investigation going on in Wisconsin, looking into all sorts of issues we had in this state with the past election. At the core of the problem is the fact that many, many, many people registered to vote using non-existent addresses or voter registration cards that couldn't even be read by election officials. This isn't supposed to happen, obviously. It's illegal to register to vote in this state without showing photo id and proof of address.

The easy solution is to require that people show a photo id with some type of proof of address when they show up to vote. The proof of address is either on the photo id, or in the form of a recent utility bill, or something of the sort.

Now, because Democrats overwhelmingly benefit from the vote fraud that the current laws allow, they are 100% against requiring a photo id when you vote. They say it will disenfranchise students, the elderly and the homeless. But their logic is indefensible.

Because.... you have to show a photo id and proof of address when you register to vote! Well, by law you should have to, but we know its not happening. But think about it... if the law requires you show those things when you *register* to vote, why can't someone show those same things when they actually vote?

I don't know... your guess is as good as mine.

Now... I said I would bash Republicans as well, and here we go... Way over in the lovely state of Washington there is a bill called HB 1016. What HB 1016 does is prevents insurance companies from denying coverage to people who own certain breeds of dogs. They usually go after Rottweilers, pit bull breeds, Chows, etc... Many insurance companies will not insure you if you own those breeds, or mixes of them.

So look into it before you get a dog! I can't tell you how many people don't even know insurance companies do this... Even more people don't know it's illegal to own certain breeds of dogs in certain towns in this country. Look into it before you move!!!

Recently HB 1016 was brought up for discussion and vote in the Washington legislature's Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee. It passed on a party line vote of 6-4. 6 Democrats voted for it, and 4 Republicans voted against it.

Color me blue. Or at least a shade of blue.

I don't know when it became the Republican's platform to allow money hungry insurance companies to outlaw anything that they don't want to take on the risk for. It's simple, the insurance companies do not want to take on the risk that a dog of certain breed may bite someone, which would result in them being sued.

What if the insurance companies decide some day that Ford Mustangs are too risky for them to insure? What if they decide children under 5 years old are too risky to insure?

I will tell you what would happen. If you own your house, you either choose between keeping the things the insurance won't insure, or keeping the insurance for your house. And if you want to keep your house, the choice is real easy...

The problem I have with insurance companies is, if you own a home or even rent an apartment, you are basically a forced customer. You may not need insurance if you rent, but you certainly do need it if you own your home. So if I must have insurance to own my home (which is perfectly legal), it's stupid to say they should be able to tell me I can't own certain breeds of dogs (which in most places is also still legal). They are effectively saying that you cannot own two perfectly legal items together, a home and a dog.

Adding insult to injury is the fact that we have no say in who makes these decisions. If a government outlaws a certain breed of dog, that is different. The public can choose to live with that, or vote their elected officials out of office. With an insurance company, you have to live with their decisions, but you have absolutely no say in who makes the decisions.

So Washington Republicans, you are WRONG on this issue. Your decisions are indefensible and it's quite apparent where your campaign contributions come from. When you sell your soul to the devil, be ready for hell.

Scary huh? I try...

peace nick