Thursday, February 10, 2005

Welcome to America... need a drivers license?

There is a news story today in the LA Times regarding a bill in the US Congress that would prohibit states from issuing drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. I dont feel like posting the link, find it yourself...

It goes into the controversies of the bill, includes the usual Democrat whining about how the Republicans wont play fair, and blah blah blah...

And then there is this paragraph:

But immigration advocates, groups supporting civil and privacy rights, and state government organizations oppose the bill. They say it would make it harder for those fleeing persecution to seek asylum in this country and would endanger public safety and national security by denying driver's licenses to millions of illegal immigrants.

Does anything about that paragraph strike you as odd? If not, read it again. Let me help you out...

and would endanger public safety and national security by denying driver's licenses to millions of illegal immigrants.

I wish I was making this up. But you can go to the LA Times website and read the story yourself, its right on the front page.

There are actually people in this country that are against preventing ILLEGAL immigrants from getting drivers licenses. In the name of public safety and national security mind you...

Um, guys, these people ARE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!! ILLEGAL! That means, not only should they not be allowed to get a drivers license... THEY SHOULD NOT EVEN BE HERE! If we want these people to be able to enjoy the freedoms and rights that us legal Americans enjoy, then make them LEGAL IMMIGRANTS!

Its amazing to me that these same groups will blast the government for all the unemployment in this country, but at the same time they want to let every Juan, Julio and Jose walk in and out of this country whenever they damn well please.

"Hey everyone in Mexico, why bother following proper immigration procedures... just come on over illegally and enjoy all the same freedoms and rights as everyone else. Oh, and you dont have to pay taxes either because we have no idea who you are or where you live because you ARE HERE ILLEGALLY TO BEGIN WITH!!!"

I love America. Only in this country can you be so stupid, have the most whacked and illogical beliefs and still be considered a legitimate advocacy group...

peace nick


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First let me state that I am a Democrat, however, I totally agree with you on this one Nick. I live at the Texas/Mexico border and I have the opinion that if you are illegal then you must go home. Down here they acctually tell people that if they have children born in this country then they cannot be deported. I feel they should throw the whole family out, because the kids were born here ILLEGALLY!!! Call me harsh but unlike the idiot in the oval office I do not believe that if offered a decent wage that there is a single job in this country that some American would not do. Key would be the decent wage factor.

9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does the "idiot in the oval office" have to do with the wages that are paid to do certain jobs?
Wages are set simply by what someone is willing to perform the job for. The President of the United States, be they Democrat or Republican, does not set wages for any job in this country.
There are any number of issues you can criticize the President on, but this isnt one of them.

8:00 AM  

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