Wednesday, March 30, 2005

We're live!

I dont know if anyone has ever done this before, but we are currently blogging live from a tornado warning area. Doppler radar indicated a tornado about 10 minutes to the east, about to hit St. Cloud, WI.

See, in Wisconsin, when the tornado sirens go off... you dont go in the basement, you go on the front porch. Or the computer... Its still a little chilly to be sitting outside.

Hey... there goes a flying cow...

peace nick

Look Mommy, I think for myself...

I am starting a new blog alliance. A blog alliance against blog alliances.

Because here we think for ourselves...

Im sick of alliances. Blogs for Bush, Blogs against Bush, Blogs for Hillary, Terri, Jimmy.... Blogs for People Who Cant Think for Themselves...

Blah blah blah

Its like fricken Survivor... you have to be in the alliance if you dont want to be kicked off the island. Heaven forbid you upset a particular blog alliance... hath no mercy...

Just let me know if you want to be in the anti-blog alliance alliance... and I'll even kick in a Gmail invite, or 50...

BTW - can anyone tell me how to join Blogs Against Hillary? I hate that cold bitch...

peace nick

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

10 Most Memorable Moments...

Ive seen this done on other blogs and wanted to give it a shot. So, with that... my 10 most memorable moments, in no particular order:

1. Ate a Hardees chicken sandwich laced with LSD, and didnt find out until after

2. Went on Tom Cruise's personal jet (didn't meet Tom)

3. Got hustled for $20 on Bourbon St. in New Orleans

4. Drove 3000 miles and thru 13 states in 10 days

5. Flew from Wisconsin to Tennessee and back in the same day, twice

6. Watched a billionaire critique my work project

7. Got bit by a Rottweiler, twice

8. Fished for a live gator in Georgia

9. Watched an F5 tornado from start to finish, from as close as about 5 miles

10. Listened to Charlie Daniels play live from my front porch

Im neat, huh?

peace nick

Monday, March 28, 2005

We are still breaking up people....

The breakups are continuing at a surprising rate. Another couple we are good friends with split up over the weekend. They just bought a house and have a young girl, which must make things very difficult. On top of having to deal with issues between themselves, they also must worry about their kid.

Im not sure what is going on lately, but its like a flu sweeping thru a kindergarten class.

Maybe this generation isnt ready for long term relationships. Could it be that Generation Here and Now isnt capable of, not only tolerating the same person day in and day out, but loving them too?

Are we so impatient that any trouble at all is good enough reason to end everything?

Does this post sound like a Sex and the City episode?

Its definately hard to imagine 60, 70 years with the same person. No matter how much you love the person you are with, its hard to project life out that far. And its hard for people my age to grasp growing old. Although, I suppose its hard for everyone...

We all have memories of younger days, when you could go out with friends and you didnt have responsibilities like mortgages, kids, car payments... And we all have things that we could do to improve the quality of the relationships we are in. We could be a little more caring, romantic, sexual, fun...

Older folks always say that relationships and marriages take work. They're right, they take incredible amounts of work. Its not easy being with the same person every day of your life, regardless of how much you love each other. But life in general is not easy. Work isnt easy, paying bills isnt easy, having kids isnt easy...

The people who are in search of the easy things in life, their younger days basically, are never going to be really happy. We're only going to grow old, we're not getting any younger. You can never escape the bills, and the kids, the things that happen when you get older.

You know... I had a point to make when I started this post... I dont know. Maybe its that its hard to watch friends go thru these things. And so many all at once. I think its what is defining our generation.

A generation of selfish kids who just refuse to grow up. Thats us.... Can you imagine what the next generation will bring?

Me neither...

peace nick

Thursday, March 24, 2005

White people are so not cool....

Is it just me or are all movies now based on the idea that black people are kewl, and hip... and white people is stupid and nerds?

White people is stupid, but dang yo, do we need 800 movies to ram the point down our throats?

The latest stupid white person movie is Miss Congeniality. Even the name is stupid. Stupid white girl, kewl black girl... RACIST...

Before that, Hitch. Will Smith, the kewl black guy that nerdy white people have idolized since the 80s. I havent seen it yet, but I heard it was a flop. And besides that, its RACIST....

Thats right, its reverse racism... you know, in reverse...

Look, ya'll black people are kewl already. We're nerds. I dont even like white people... But man, can we lay off 'em in the movies a little bit?


peace nick

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Pick an issue... any issue...

I know some of my readers are Democrats. So I will try to bring this topic up in a way that will not anger or alienate anyone.

But c'mon now... is this Dean guy for real? This is a quote I found today while catching up on the news:

''I've been called worse things than a liberal,'' Dean said. ''The reason the Republicans call names is because they have nothing to say about balancing the budget, creating jobs or doing anything about health care or education.''

Now... how can you say that and claim any credibility? Whether you like their stances or not, its not hard to figure out where the Republicans stand on most issues.

They passed a prescription drug benefit, they have created millions of jobs over the past couple of years, they have lowered taxes, passed the No Child Left Behind Act... I could go on. Again, whether you like their stances or not, they do have them. They believe in low taxes, (some of them) want reduced spending, they believe in teacher/school accountability, they believe in using the armed forces to promote Democracy, they believe in the right to bear arms, they're pro-life, they are against gay marriage...

What in the hell do the Democrats have to say on any one of these issues? Pick one, any one, and give me a coherent and solid stance on it.

The war... are they for it? Against it? For the troops but not for the war... they're for the war before the war, against it during and then for it afterwards?

Gay marriage... some are for it, some against it, some think its a states rights issue, some are for gay "unions".

Creating jobs... um... uh....

I have some advice for Howard Dean and the Democrats in this country. Quit being the "NO" party, and come up with something that can be debated. Come up with a plan to create jobs, deal with WMDs in the world, balance the budget...

Something other than just raising taxes and opposing every single thing the Republicans stand for. Maybe some day I would vote Democrat... if I could ever decipher their position on any particular issue facing the world today.

Wait... no I wouldnt.... but it would be nice if they had something that could be debated...

peace nick

Name change

This is formal notice that we are changing names. Why?

Because I feel like it.

And because this name is much funnier, and more original.

It has no special meaning, its just something I heard the other night on tv.

peace nick

Monday, March 21, 2005

Something to think about...

This whole right to die case in Florida has been in the news a lot lately. I don't care to get into the specifics of the case, because there are any number of other places that have beat this issue to a pulp. But I was listening to Mark Belling's radio talk show last week and he brought up what I think was a great point.

This woman is going to die from starvation, and there is apparently a sizable chunk of the population that is ok with that. We all know how the politicians have come down on this issue...

Mark's point was - would it be ok with those people if the husband just walked into the hospital room and shot this woman to death?

After all, that would be a more humane way of dying than starving to death for two weeks, wouldn't ya think? I'd take a death by gunshot long before a death by starving.

What if the husband walked in and choked her to death, would that be ok with the people who are for "letting this woman die"?

After all, I would rather be choked to death, than to starve to death.

Society is twisted in this way. If we are ok with "letting this woman die", we could at least do it in a way that would be quick and painless for everyone. Starving someone for two weeks until they die of "natural causes" is unnecessary and inhumane.

I don't want to take comments on this post about the actual case, because like I said, its being discussed everywhere already. But it's just something to think about in the grand scheme of life.

Why is it ok for this husband to decide to "let her die" by starving her, but (probably) not ok to just shoot her, or choke her, and be done with it?

peace nick

Thursday, March 17, 2005

You are NOT for wind power...

I swear I am going to bitch slap the next environmentalist who says they are for wind power. You are NOT for wind power. You may be for the idea of wind power. You may be in favor of clean energy production. But when it comes to sticking 200 wind turbines in your back yard, or somewhere nearby, you are NOT for wind power.

Once it comes down to actually putting those wind turbines that are hundreds of feet high up, all the environmentalists change clothes, and start talking out of the other side of their mouths. All of a sudden wind turbines are evil, because they kill birds and bats, and they cause sun light flicker, and the look ugly, and they make noise...

I dont know how these people think wind power actually works, but until someone invents a big, magic, invisible net to catch all the wind, we're stuck with these huge wind turbines. Yeah, they may kill some birds. Yeah, they may cause the sun to flicker for 15 minutes a day, depending on where you stand. Yeah, they may make a little noise.


Either you support wind power, clean energy production, and you support all these big ass, bird killing, loud wind turbines... or you dont. You cannot have it both ways.

Its kind of like this whole ANWR deal. Everyone in this country wants to drive a car. Cars take oil and gas, which comes from the ground. But once it comes to actually drilling for the oil, then all of a sudden they are against it.

"Oh my God, some poor polar bear might have to move its home 2 miles east... how will they survive?!?!"

"Oh my God, I may have to actually look at a f-ing oil rig when I look out over the ocean!"

Yeah dumbass, thats how we get the stuff your car runs on, and thats how we get the stuff that heats your DAMN HOUSE!

Sometimes we have to make sacrifices to live like the fat, happy pigs we are. Its time to stop being such ninnies about it.

peace nick

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Here he comes... RUN!!!!

If there is a group of people I hate worse than people who cry about diversity, or labor union facists who think they control the world.... its people who sell cars.

You thought I was going a different way with that, didnt you? Dont lie.

Now, I understand that car salesmen (Im not writing salespeople, sorry ladies) have to sell cars to make money. Which I find stupid... but it is what it is. Fine. But for crying out loud, is it too much to be able to look at cars without someone coming out and bugging you right away? Do you have to hide and pretend that you're not really looking at cars, but just passing by? Do you have to swerve around these people as they try to block you from driving out of the car lot?

What if they came out, started towards you and you just took off running...

"Here he comes... RUN!!!!"

Car salesmen know that once they start talking to you, they can pretty much say whatever they want. Its all bull, they know it and you know it. But since most people dont know what the truth is, because we are not all car experts, we just keep our mouths shut and buy into their pitch.

They know this. So all they want to do is talk to you, convince you, lie to you.... and then rape you.

You know you are getting ripped off when you buy a car. New, used, it doesnt matter. You are getting ripped off and there is nothing you can do about it. There is no such thing as a good deal on a car. Or else the car lots wouldnt make any money.

I understand that Im going to get raped when I buy a car. Im fine with it. I just want the car I want, at the price I can afford, and I want to be left alone and not have to listen to some schmuck try to make it appear as though Im getting this great deal.

I hate being lied to. Even worse than being lied to, I hate being bothered when I dont want to be bothered. Like when Im looking at cars.

I know where you all are... I can see you sitting in the showroom, with your noses pressed against the glass, watching my every move.... waiting for the right time to pounce.... How about I come talk to you when I have found the car I want to test drive? Is that so hard?

Listen to the voice of the customer for once you schmucks... leave us alone! We dont want to be lied to until we find the exact car we are looking for, at the exact price we were expecting to pay. At that time, we'll come to you, and you can lie and rape and.... sell us a car.....

peace nick

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Well, well, well...

Like a dog with his tail between his legs, UAW goon Ron Gettelfinger has now reversed the horrible decision on the subject of Marines parking in the UAW "Solidarity House" parking lot in Detroit.

From the story here:
"I made the wrong call on the parking issue, and I have notified the Marine
Corps that all reservists are welcome to park at Solidarity House as they
have for the past 10 years," Gettelfinger said in a statement.

Im glad the UAW has been exposed like this. Its healthy. Its important that people see the real hypocrisy of present day labor unions in this country. Most union members Im sure were outraged by this decision, as Im sure they would be outraged with the many other things that the fat union bureaucrats like Ron do on their behalf.

Of course, most of the time they never do anything about it, and instead just eat all that spoon fed propaganda right up like the good little robots they are... Maybe stuff like this will make them realize they can think for themselves, and the unions dont have to rule every aspect of their lives.

So now the UAW's image has been greatly tarnished by the facist attitude of one stupid dink, Ron Gettelfinger... and to that I say....


I love it when people have to suck up all their personal opinions and desires, and admit what dumb asses they are to millions of people.... Nothing brings me greater pleasure than the misery of morons...

peace nick

Monday, March 14, 2005

The UAW means Un American Workers...

Im sorry... does that offend you? Good. It should. Because the UAW offends me.

Yes, the whole F-ING union.

Because according to a news article, here, Marine Reservists who work out of a base in Detroit will no longer be able to use the UAW's parking lot if they drive foreign cars or display pro-Bush bumper stickers.

First of all, what car isnt foreign made? Every single car in this world has foreign parts. Just because the car I have isnt assembled in the United States, Im somehow un-American?

Second of all, you cant be pro-Bush and be in the UAW apparently? Wow... how American of the Un American Workers. Quoting from the article:

"While reservists certainly have the right to drive nonunion made vehicles and
display bumper stickers touting the most anti-worker, anti-union president since
the 1920s, that doesn't mean they have the right to park in a lot owned by the
members of the UAW," the union said in a statement released Friday.
Im so sick and tired of these union a-holes, because thats what they are, who keep preaching that they should have this right, and that right. But when it comes to someone else having rights, like the right to not have to deal with an employee union, or to display a political sticker on your car... or to even buy whatever fricken car you want to buy...

"Oh, we're not for those rights..."

F*&$ you UAW...

and anyone in the UAW...

F*&$ you too.

I hope I see one of these pricks crossing the street should I ever decide to travel to the crap hole that is Detroit...

I would love nothing more than to run them over in my foreign made Crapwagon...

peace nick

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Is Chicago on the way to Iowa

Ok, so our route ended up something like this:

Our stupid Yahoo? directions never told us to exit to a highway going south after Rockford. So we went east instead. To Chicago... before we realized what the hell was going on.

BTW, if you do that, plan about an extra hour of drive time. At least.

So, after back tracking back to Rockford, and getting on the right highway, we finally ended up in Iowa about an hour late. And after 9 1/2 hours of driving, we finally arrived home, our new dog Natron in tow.

Forgive my crappy picture taking please: Even the date isnt correct... Im such a loser. Oh, and the river is the Mississippi as we were crossing from Iowa back to Illinois.

Oh, and we need a new truck now. Its totally crap. We drove most of the way with the check engine light on, and the acceleration was all goofy. We're going to sell it and get a Nissan Xterra, cuz we're kewl like that. But you guys know all about the car problems we have, so nothing new there.

Well, enough for one day, Im going back to bed.

peace nick

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Iowa, here we come!

Ive never been to Iowa... until today. Today we drive to Iowa to get Natron, our new dog. Pictures to come later.

By the way, I seem to be posting a lot of pictures lately... oh well, its just easier to post them here than on my picture blog. Deal with it.

Here's the proposed route:

Good luck us.

peace nick

Friday, March 11, 2005

No more #4...

*The following post is a sports related post. I dont post on sports often, but I feel like it today since I think my opinion is vastly different than most of the civilized world, and I like to be different. If you dont like sports, see ya next week...

This past week it was reported that Brett Favre would return to the Packers for another year, and possibly more. And the collective sigh of relief has settled over Wisconsin for another year. Im not relieved. I realize I may be hanged for the following statement, but I will say it anyway...
I wish Brett Favre would retire. I will give that a moment to sink in...

No one in their right mind agrees with me that Brett Favre should retire. But consider that he will make over $11 million this year. $11 million! You could fill a lot of holes on the Packers with that money. You could repair the offensive line, the defensive backfield and pick up a good receiver to run routes opposite of break-out star Javon Walker.

Now I realize that Brett Favre is probably the greatest quarterback of all time. He never misses a game, which is quite remarkable in the NFL. As far as reliability, number 4 is top notch and a blessing. But if the goal of the Packers is to get to, and win, the Superbowl, Brett Favre is not our man.

To win the Superbowl these days you need an efficient quarterback who can sustain drives and not make mistakes. Lets face it, Brett Favre makes the most awful mistakes and he makes them at the worst possible times. Its just true. Some of his mistakes in the playoffs the last couple of years were just garbage... awful...

So what should the Packers do? Like I said, they could do a lot with Brett Favre's salary. They could pick up a lot of good players to fill different positions they need to fill. And at quarterback, yes, Craig Nall.

Craig Nall is vastly underrated I think. He has proven he is efficient, smart, and most importantly, he knows the impossible-to-learn Packer offense. Craig Nall has done very well in NFL Europe the last couple of years, and has done very well in back up of Brett Favre.

The Packers have a long history of dumping quarterbacks who have gone on to become very good players. Mostly because of Brett Favre never needing a very good back up. I fear this will happen with Craig Nall. Sooner or later he is going to want to be a starting quarterback, and he is not getting any younger. He should get that chance with the Packers, and he should get it with two very good receivers.

That cant happen with Brett Favre playing, and losing early playoff games, until he's fifty. Hang it up Brett, and let the rebuilding begin by allowing the Packer organization to tap your outrageous $11 million salary...

peace nick

Thursday, March 10, 2005

bi bi bi... bi bi!

I was having a conversation last night with someone about a relationship in which a girl essentially wouldnt go out with a guy because he was bi-sexual. At the time of the conversation I was confused as to why that would be. Whats the difference if he is bi? What does it matter if his previous relationship was with a girl or a guy? As long as he is committed to the current relationship...

Well today I was thinking of how I wanted to bring this up in a blog post... because you dont miss the opportunity to blog stuff like this... But the more I think about this... the more I wonder, why in the hell would a guy be bi-sexual?

What are guys not getting from the female relationships, and the "relationships" with themselves, that would cause them to seek a relationship with another guy? Because clearly this is a sexual thing, or else the guys would just be your buddies. Right? Right.

I dont get it, Im even more confused now. I just cant think of much a sexual guy/guy relationship would bring to the the table, that you would be lacking from the other relationships. Maybe I need to meet this bi-sexual fella and do some research so I can report back with some concrete answers.

I think I know why women are bi-sexual... because the sex with men is just awful, and/or to get men in the first place. Because lets face it, being bi-sexual for women is the way to bring all the boys to the yard. Hey, we're shallow, deal with it... But guys apparently arent attracting more women by being bi-sexual. Quite the opposite if this case is any indication.

Whats the deal bi-sexual guys? Just tell me why, so I can quit thinking about it... please...

peace nick

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

We are not safe here anymore...

This post has been encrypted for my protection...

Yteh anbd itnaah igjs n ajnt ansjtr ant Int akerns jnyh anfjrjnje. Jyhfyrb hf ashbd hg kj h Y jngskgj. Hn fejhfnehjf hbh bghbafk bhwhbaskfb bfhb... Gdbnjhbrgh hbheh gfyl, jgghn, fjhdkkvvbn, fnf jdufjghj!

Hnfksng gkjg kgksjdpp nggjnwjfn j jwfnfj. Jfhvn jfn sjfnnnj fjnfiop... fneunvje... Jnfjednv jnvkslvn ej nvjfin nfj d wdnwj wjndwjnc.

Juyfnf gngnv wufn uj wnfc nwuc wp. Aaugfgj erjgn rgngrnv nvhfte, ufjf, j, wufnnvo.

Uhfbv. JNFFKSKJHVBS! Yhfbn, Ufnkenvkjennve i wunfjnv, ienbkgke. Hgeu bgejb b ewieifb ub enebvkeo kjbf kiebib, eibfbe eiobkpe hdngh...


peace nick

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Wow... thats really... big.....

21.3mb. Thats how big the latest version of iTunes is. WHY? What the hell is in there that takes up 21.3mb of space?

...better dance naked for me being that size...

Anyways, I wanted to write a blip about the new Green Day album, American Idiot. I used to be a pretty big Green Day fan back in the high school days. Dont tell me you werent a confused punk at one time! And I know I have ripped people for being mainstream, but... well, alright, they are mainstream... Can we get on with it?

I would download this album illegally, but I dont think I would buy it. Now, Ive been in a basement band. I certainly have few credentials to be ripping bands, but having been a follower of Green Day, they arent getting better. They are getting worse.

Green Day reminds me of the Doors, in the 60s and 70s. You're thinking, "huh?" Follow me. The Doors came out with 3 great albums early in their career. The Doors, Strange Days and Waiting for the Sun. The songs were perfected by the time they recorded because they had played clubs for so long with those songs.

Green Day is the same way. 3 great albums pretty quickly, 1,039..., Kerplunk and Dookie. Dookie is when they hit mainstream. But they helped a lot of dorks cross over and be kewl, be punk and stink. Green Day was the pot for most people who are now coke heads. Pot is just the drug you use until you meet the "cool people".

But who the hell has heard of any Green Day songs after Dookie? Maybe one here or there... Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) was popular for a while... maybe a few others. The Doors had a few songs later in their careers as well. LA Woman, uh, LA Woman.... But by in large... they sucked. Green Day I mean.

I mean, c'mon... Billy Joe wears make-up 24/7... they had a second guitarist when they played live for the New Years party in NYC and they dont even acknowledge him? Its no wonder their albums are lame. Have you ever seen a second guitarist in any Green Day pictures or interviews? Me neither...

And if your name is not Glenn Danzig or Gene Simmons, you shouldnt be wearing make-up. Or those weirdos from Gwar. Other than that, its not... a good idea.

Go buy the garbage. But dont say I didnt warn you. Song 3 is good though... if you're going to steal it off the internet....

peace nick

Monday, March 07, 2005

Im breaking up too... but not like you...

Ive thought hard about what to write today, but much to my displeasure, I can only form a coherent thought on breaking up. Its everywhere lately. In the blogs I read, people are breaking up. My friend is going thru a divorce. Another friend broke up with her boyfriend this past week.

What the hell is wrong with all you people? I dont need this much f-ing drama in my life.

I think we could fix a lot of relationship problems if women and men would just meet half way. Here's what I propose...

Guys... quit being such asses. There is no need to tell your girlfriend to go clean something. There is no need to hit on other women. No staring at other women (in the presence of yours of course), no dancing with other women, no talking about other women. Stare at your own woman once in a while.

Women... quit... being women.... I dont know how else to put it. You know all those things you women do? Yeah, well it pisses us men off. Spending 20 minutes to "get ready" just so you can leave the house? Dont do that. And dont say, "I just want to look good for you." We're not dumb. Cut the over-emotional, overly-possessive, overly-whiny, Im a girl and I have so many problems crap too. When you come home and bitch and moan every day about how crappy your pathetic lives are, is it any wonder your guy is hitting on other chicks? Those chicks probably have one thing you dont, a smile on their face, instead of an open mouth with non-stop whining coming out of it.

I think there is a common problem with male/female relationships that end up not working out. Everyone is so damn concerned with the other person in their relationship, and how that person acts. No one looks in the mirror, and says, if I changed, things would be different.

Everyone wants the person they are with to be more romantic, or more sensitive, or more sexual, or to act a certain way. But they never take the time to evaluate themselves as a person, and how they act or present themselves.

You cant change how other people act or behave. You can only change yourself. You only have control of yourself. Maybe the problem isnt how other people in your relationships act or behave, maybe the problem is you.

Or I could be all screwed up too... In which case I dont have the answers for you... but Im glad you stopped by to visit...

peace nick

Thursday, March 03, 2005

I hate...

people who can draw well. You know what I hate even more than people who can draw well? People who can draw well, and then pretend they really arent that great at it.

Like I need the extra kick to my non-creative balls....

We did our final art projects for Literature and Art last night. And of course there was a mixture of creative talents. There were some people (like myself) who just had no creative ability to speak of. One moron slapped a couple of clumps of playdo together, stuck a comb, a razor and a toothbrush in it, as if that was supposed to resemble sculpture... even Im not that dumb. And of course all the really talented people get up to the front of the class with their masterpiece drawings and paintings...

"Oh, I just did this quick last night, its nothing special blah blah blah"

And Im thinking, if thats nothing special... Im getting a friggen F for sure... Spare me the humbleness and just come out and say...

"My project kicks your projects ASS you WUSS!"

At least then me and my picture of a wagon tipped over in some farmers field can present with some dignity...

One girl did a family project where her, her 8 year old daughter and her dad painted the same picture. Her 8 year old's painting kicked my projects ASS...

Why do I need that kind of abuse??? Its bad enough I have to be humiliated by adults, but you have to bring in your daughters painting too? Thanks bitch...

I think my point is, if you are a good artist, just admit that you are better than the rest of us. Its not being conceited or rude. I tell you guys I am smarter than you all the time... do you think I am conceited or rude?

Do you?

I am rude. But I am better than you... at most things, so I dont care if Im rude. I kind of like it actually.... People tend to leave rude people be, and I like that...

peace nick

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Read your damn email!

I just spent my whole lunch hour (almost) emailing an Illinois State Senator. And now Im wondering to myself... why would I even bother? The chances of him reading my email are about slim to none. The chances of anyone reading the emails I send are equally as dismal.

I thought we were on to something here people... you know, with this whole email thing. No one actually wants to take the time to write and read real letters these days. And I just despise the phone. I hate talking on the phone. Here is a typical phone conversation that I have with one of my friends:

me: what are you doing?
friend: nothing

me: wanna go to the bar, get drunk and hit on married women?
friend: sure

me: see ya there

Simple. Quick. Effective. But if I actually have something important to say, the phone is not something I want to use. I dont want to spend more than 20 seconds with some uncomfortable piece of plastic stuck to my ear, trying to find the right time to talk because half the time you and the other person end up talking at the same time anyways, and then you both say - what did you say? No, what did you say?

I dont have time for that crap. Its so much more effective to type a quick email, hit send and then let the other person decide when it would be a good time to reply.


I know, its hard with all the spam and junk emails that people send constantly. We can deal with those people later. But for now, I am important, and I want to use email because I am anti-social and hate using the phone.

So check your email daily, and when you see one from me, open it, read it and reply if needed. If I have to call you Im going to be pissed off.

Oh, and the Senator I was emailing is some dweeb named Martin Sandoval. Of course, he is a Democrat, because all Illinois politicians are Democrat, which made me want to use foul language even more... But Sen. Sandoval has taken it upon himself to propose a law that would make all Rottweilers and GSDs (along with several other breeds) dangerous dogs. Oh hell no.

So I wrote to Sen. Sandoval to invite him to do some research on a man named Joe Tavitas, a Chicago firefighter and paramedic, who searched the WTC rubble for survivors with his ROTTWEILER search and rescue dog, Big Foot. Maybe the Senator doesnt realize that he would be making a national hero a dangerous dog....

He does now... if he reads his email... I may have to actually send him a fricken letter to make sure though.... damn ignorant state senators....

peace nick