I have a little time to update things while the hot wife gets some much needed sleep and I stand guard over baby Braeden. As far as how things went down, it really started Saturday night around 11pm, when the hot wife began having contractions. At that point they were pretty far apart, about 20 minutes. At 2:30am, she scared the crap out of me by starting the bath, which is the universal sign apparently for I'M IN LABOR!!! I think she knew it was coming, but it wasn't time just yet. At about 4am, she called the doctor and was told to go in to the hospital when the contractions were 5 minutes apart, for about 2 hours. That time came about 6:30ish.
Off to the hospital, Sunday morning about... the time mentioned above. We get there, not knowing if this was the real thing, and wondering if we were going to be sent back home, which probably would have made both of us cry. They checked her over and she was dialated (sp?) to four and fully effaced (sp?). I'm too lazy to pull up Google, so don't mind the spelling.
Anywho, so we stay. They start getting everything ready, we make our phone calls, walk around a bit, the contractions continue... Everything was pretty good until they broke her water. First of all, do they need the big pointy thing??? They pulled this thing out that looked like a blue sword from medieval times. *Note to expecting women - get the drugs BEFORE this point. Because when they break the water, the holy shit contractions begin.
I hate to ruin things, but this is really the only part where we had problems. Besides the intense pain the hot wife was in because of the contractions, Braeden's heartbeat starting getting goofy. It would drop during the contraction, and then spike after. So they didn't know if they could give her any drugs, because they didn't know if she was going to need to do a C-section.
No drugs + really painful contractions + very nervous first time mother = bad. Bad feeling father, bad feeling mother, bad feeling doctor, bad feeling nurses... Just bad.
It was hard to watch really. Poor hot wife was in a lot of pain, and all anyone could do is stand around. You can't possibly make a woman in this condition comfortable. How people do this completely natural is beyond me.
Eventually things stabilized enough to give her some drugs to take the edge off, and then they gave her an epidural (sp?). Much, much better. She was smiling, she could lay somewhat comfortably... bottom line, drugs rule. Take the drugs. Early and often if possible.
So, I would say around noonish, she started pushing, and at 1:09pm, a very purple baby boy emerged. 7lbs 6oz, and 21 inches long with some of the longest fingernails and the biggest testicles I have ever seen. Kind of like his dad I guess... you know, the fingernails and all... I guess because he was a bit early the testicles are big because of horomones in the mother's body? I think he's just going to be hung like a horse personally, but that's my own biased opinion... Nature over nurture.
I guess that's really about it. So far he has been really good, besides for not wanting to sleep at all last night, hence the hot wife sleeping now. He was voted best behaved when they took his pictures and did all the stuff they do, and get this, he slept thru the circumcision! I told you he has big balls... of steel. And he poops on them with pride, let me tell ya...
Now it's really all about sleeping and eating. Not for us, but for him. He seems to do really well in both categories. And yes, Concerned Mother's of America, he is breastfeeding :) Hot wife decided to forego the sentence of life in prison, and give the breastfeeding a shot. So far so good.
Except for that I am still very, very tired. And no sex yet.
Labels: '08 election, kids