Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'm still learning

Either this Sunday or next Tuesday, depending on your interpretation of the modern day calendar, the hot wife and I will have survived one whole month of parenthood. A whole month! And being the newbie parents we are, we have learned a lot. More specifically, having never even changed a diaper my whole life, I have learned more in the past month than I have probably my whole life... Not really, but I wasn't really sure how to better phrase the last sentence. Play along.

So, let's have some fun and let's do a Top 10 things learned by a newbie parent.

1. Hot (diaper on) to cold (diaper off) = pee
2. When you're burping a baby and he tries to eat your ear, he's still hungry
3. Make cold meals that can be eaten with one hand
4. Your voice changes when talking to a baby, don't try to fight it
5. Rottweilers don't eat babies. Even when they cry.
6. At three diapers per 10 minutes, you can never have enough
7. Even newborn clothes don't fit a baby
8. Don't be late to Grandma's without a good excuse
9. You only need about 3 hours of sleep to function
10. Not having sex is much harder than not sleeping

I'm still learning...


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