Happy Fat Tuesday!
- Speaking of which, I was hoping to lose at least five pounds in time for the race this weekend. That's not happening. I'm like ten pounds over what I'd ever want my maximum weight to be, but not by my fault. For the past two days, I have not had any soda, or cappuccino, I've only drank water and I've run two and a half miles in 30 minutes. And I've gained weight. Kiss my ass.
- The Bachelor picking Sara from Nashville last night was bitter sweet. On one hand, I don't see it lasting or working. He wants to move, she doesn't. That only works for so long. On the other hand, was Moana not the most psycho, fake, emotional twit you have ever seen? "I've never (whimper, whimper) looked into (whimper, whimper) someone else's eyes (wha wha wha) and seen the exact counterpoint (whimper, whimper) of my soul (wha wha) looking back at me" Who says that shit?
The f-ing worst was when she met his parents, and his dad asked her what she liked about his son. She just sat there. And sat there. And sat there. And the Bachelor just sat there. And everyone just sat there. What the hell was she doing, trying to teleport the fuck out of there? It's not that tough of a question, even if you are going to make shit up. Hell, I could have made some shit up about what I like about the Bachelor. He's got a great body, he makes me laugh, he's adventurous, he has a great job. I came up with four things, and I don't even know the dude. She's talking about marriage, and she can't come up with one f-ing thing. What a dumb bitch.
How did I get off on this Bachelor tangent?
- I've finally decided on a tattoo to get. This isn't my first choice, but my first choice will take a personal design, and a lot of tattoo work I'm thinking. So, I'm going to get one of these two in the meantime:
SPQR essentially stands for the Senate and the Roman People (or soldiers, depending on how you translate it). In the movie Gladiator, Maximus (Russell Crowe) had it on his arm as a tattoo, and they said it was the mark of the legion, but from my research, there isn't any proof soldiers actually did that. I think it makes more sense that they would not have, since the army served the Emperor, and not the Senate.
It’s not the most original tattoo in the world, but I like it. I'm a history nut, especially when it comes to the Romans.
That's all for today kiddies. Hope your Fat Tuesday is as fat as mine.
peace nick