Monday, February 06, 2006

Cars and phones and diamond rings... bling bling...

I'll try to pretend like the weekend wasn't all that bad. Aside from missing the Mason Jennings show on Friday, giving up my beloved pool table on Saturday and then losing $40 and just about every f-ing hand of poker on Saturday night... it wasn't really that bad.

I miss the pool table already. I never used it, but still, it's one of those things that despite never using, you want to keep because of sentimental value. It has sentimental value. I won't say how or why, but you can use your imagination... No, wait, I don't want you thinking about the hot wife and I like that. Gross...

Then there was the Superbowl party, which we hosted this year. I gotta tell ya... the hot wife knows how to entertain. You want to be at a party that the hot wife is involved in hosting. Trust me on this one. She worked up some chili, beer bread, regular... bread... stuff (I'm drawing a blank here). Anyways, she had all the servings flowing so I could sit on my ass with friends and watch the pathetic thing. And it was pathetic. The only good commercial was the one where that dude offers the bear a Bud Light after his friend leaves him to fend for himself, only to come back and steal the beer and take off running. You know which one I'm talking about? Or did you tape the game and fast forward thru the commercials?

I did tape the second half so we could fast forward thru the commercials, because it was obvious they were going to suck, which, I gotta admit, became a little uncomfortable. You know, the whole fast forwarding thing... My friends looked on while I wizzed thru commercials like I had invented the damn t.v. itself. They had never seen such a thing. Some of them don't even have cable.

It was uncomfortable because I don't want to be the rich guy who has everything dammit. I feel stuck up, even though I don't think I act stuck up, and I hope my friends don't think I'm stuck up. But there I am, wondering if everyone thinks I'm stuck up because I can fast forward thru commercials, and tape my favorite shows, and pause t.v. so I can go to the bathroom.

I was always the kid who had more than his friends. We weren't rich, by any means, but we had stuff. I was the first kid to get those Reebok Pump shoes. And Nintendo. I loved it. I got all sorts of attention. I was cool. That's not the type of attention you want when you are older, unless you are a greedy, possession-loving jackass.

Maybe I do have too much stuff... Have I forgotten my roots? Where I came from? The schools that I went to, the hood I grew up in? Maybe I should convert to buddhism and renounce my possessions. Yeah, that's it... I renounce my possessions! I will live but a simple life! I will no longer have... uh... stuff!

Wait... I gotta think about that one... Can I still keep the porn?

peace nick


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