Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I am a robot.

I gotta tell ya... this movie drives me crazy. There are other movies with similiar plots that drive me similiarly crazy. Why? This bitches parents are assholes to this poor guy the whole movie, and never once does she do anything about it. She never once says, "shut the hell up Dad, quit being such a jack off to my boyfriend!"

Maybe it's just me, but I'd disown my family in a heartbeat if they were even so much as snotty to the hot wife. Done. See ya. I hate you.

I just don't understand the strangle hold that some parents have over their kids, even into adulthood. I can see when you are living in their house, you have to obey by their rules... but they don't have to control everything you do. For heaven's sakes, grow a spine. My parents stopped telling me what to do when I was 13. I had a curfew, but that was it. They never told me I couldn't hang out with certain people, or I couldn't join a sport, or whatever...

The worst to me is when a couple is dating, and some of our friends are like this, they like each other, want to get married, but they can't live together.... Because their parents wouldn't approve... Because it's apparently all sinful and all that. I've been thru all the sins... There's nothing in there about not living with someone you aren't marrried to. I think it should a requirement. Maybe then not so many people would get divorced.

But either way, who the hell are the parents to tell their adult children what to do? F&$% your damn parents! Grow up.

Or when someone's parents dictate how the wedding is going to be. Huh? They're not the ones getting married, tell them to shut their damn mouths... if they don't like it, don't f-ing come. Saves money on food and beer... or whiskey old fashions if your parents are alcoholics.

We paid for our own wedding, so no one told us squat. We didn't have 800 people, we didn't have 43 people stand up, we didn't pay $93 a plate, and we didn't have to join Mommy and Daddy's church to do it. We stood up and said, dammit, we have our own lives. We roll the way we want to roll, and if you don't like, or get snotty about it, then to hell with ya...

I would have laughed if my parents would have tried to tell us how to have our wedding...

"What, you guys didn't get your invitation? Well, guess you're not coming then... Bye."

You know you want to be like us... Unless you are a parent, in which case, you're probably thanking the lord I was not your kid...

peace nick


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