Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Even my poop is funny.

Don't you hate it when you go to the bathroom, and you have nothing to read, so you're just kind of sitting there day dreaming...

And the next thing you know you are thinking about this funny movie you saw not too long ago...

Like that part in the 40 Year Old Virgin, where the dude gets his chest waxed, and he stands up, and one of the guys says, "Dude, you look like a man-o-lantern"...

And then you start laughing, but there is someone next to you, and you don't want to be just laughing in the can, so you close your mouth, try to hold it in, and now you're just laughing out of your nose, which really makes weird sounds, so you have to pretend like you are blowing your nose...

And then you have to wait until everyone leaves, so no one knows who the crazy, nose-blowing, laughing guy was in the stall next to them...

Yeah, I hate that too...

"Andy Stitzer: [yells] Yooooooooow, Kelly Clarkson!"

peace nick


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