Monday, February 13, 2006


- I wanted to start off the week with some music stuff. I just discovered that Mason Jennings moved the online songs to his label website - I know how lazy you people are, and even if I post an .mp3, you won't take three seconds to download it. So now, you can go to this website, and just click on the song and it will play streaming. It doesn't get any easier than that.

- In other music news, I was just looking at Garrison Starr's website - - for shows, and she has a whole bunch of them all over the country. Unfortunately the March 12th Madison, WI show is sold out already, but that doesn't mean that you can't check one out. They're cheap, like $10, and she is a fantastic musician. You can listen to a few songs from her new album on her website, just click the numbers 1-4 on the bottom right of the site. I like #2 the best so far. I have a couple others, if you're interested, just shoot me an email.

- Alright, that's it for music. Um... over the weekend we did some babysitting. For the most part it was two boys, let's say 11 and 14 years old. I feel bad for even thinking of what I'm about to write, but I'm not really totally serious, just kind of... I can't have a boy. We must have a girl.

Now, I realize that 10-15 are tough ages, for girls and boys. Essentially, you're trying to be as cool as you can be. But I think this is different for boy than it is for girls. Girls want to be cool together. They hang out in groups, do each other's hair, shop together, whatever else... Until it comes to hanging out with boys, and then they're the cool one, and all the other girls are fat sluts. Up until that point though, they seem to stick together.

Boys are not like this. For boys, it's every boy for themselves. Whether it's video games, or sports, or just hanging out. You're better than everyone else, you know everything there is to know, you have the coolest shoes, the coolest skateboard, you're the best at all video games... This is the type of attitude that, now that I'm older, drives me f-ing nuts. I don't know how you parents deal with adolescent boys... you have my sympathy.

- I may have my own sympathy soon. For those who have been tracking on your calendars, it's have-a-lot-a-sex time of the month at our house. I've been given the order to cease and desist masturbation, and dedicate all resources to conception. Don't laugh, it's not funny, it's hard. No, not hard in that way, but... oh nevermind...

- I mean, this has been fun and all, but don't you think it's gone on long enough? We're already looking at a November baby if it takes this time around. That's not good. I'm starting to have nightmares about being stuck in a snow storm with the hot pregnant wife, and I've gotta like, deliver this baby myself... But that would be my luck. This baby is going to be trouble right from child birth, I just know it...

- I love that commercial where that guy is sitting on the train, on the phone with his credit card company or whatever, and he's going thru the voice menus...

"please say your password"

"...big boy"

"please repeat password"


peace nick


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