Thursday, February 02, 2006

Oh, to hell with people liking me...

- Is it just me, or do you guys finding yourselves wanting to post just so it will say something cool next to your blog name on other blogs who use blogrolling? How does it know I updated? Someone should put - This guy is f-ing hot - next to my blog name when I update. That's hot.

- I like saying - that's hot. I kinda feel like Paris Hilton when I do it.

- Tomorrow is the real Mason Jennings concert... C'mon, show some excitement... make some noise! It's going to rock.

- We've been drinking a lot of wine lately, so I'm open to suggestions on types. So far we like Rieslings, and I liked the bottle of Pinot Gris we knocked back the other night. I could totally see giving up beer and moving to wine. You get a buzz without feeling so damn fat. Whatchya'll like?

- Do you... like like it? Remember when you used to say that as kids? "do you like like her?" Like there are varying degrees of like. Like.... Like is kind of a funny word when you think about it. Not as funny as funner though...

- That's hot. It's hot hot. I like hot hot, but I don't like like hot hot.

- This is probably my most obnoxious post... since yesterday when I made fun of people who are ninnies when it comes to their parents. I bet I didn't make any new friends with that post... I love you guys though. All of you. Wanna make out?

- I wonder what percentage of guys fantasize about their gfs or wives making out with other women. My guess is 85%. I think 15% of men would be jealous. Nah, maybe 10%. Ninnies...

- I wonder what percentage of gfs and wives do make out with other women... I don't have a good feel for this one, but feel free to send pictures if you have any...

- I wonder how many people gave up reading this post because they were grossly offended by my last two wonderings.

- That's hot.

peace nick

- I wonder why I keep signing my posts peace nick. Wouldn't just nick, or Nick, suffice? I don't even really want peace, or advocate peace. I hate peace. Unless it's peace and quiet. Oh well.

peace nick


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