You're among sinners, sinner
"You're a sinner… I'm a sinner… We're all sinners…"
Nothing is a bigger downer than being a sinner. But it occurred to me as he rambled on about us sinners, that I'm not even sure how I became a sinner. I'm not sure how one becomes a sinner, and how one becomes a non-sinner. Or even if we can become non-sinners.
So, what are the sins? Well, as any good researcher does when they want to know something, I went to the internet and came up with the Seven Deadly Sins. I actually didn't come up with them, I just found out what they are. Here they are, and where I stand on them.
1. Pride. Pride? A sin? Lest he not be proud of himself, let he only be proud of God. Whatever. God kills children, I don't. And I'm proud of myself for that. No hell here.
2. Greed. I don't consider myself greedy, although I guess that means I have pride. Hell on this one...
3. Envy. There are more people I don't envy, than I do. By the power of majorities… I think I'm safe here.
4. Anger. Well, I'm not an angry person in general… I guess I'm safe on this one too.
5. Lust. Hi, hell? Ya, I'll be right there...
6. Gluttony. Every Friday I drink too much. And I want too much sex. Welcome to hell.
7. Sloth. I'm still fuzzy on this one. I think it goes along the lines of being lazy. Hmmm… let me see here… yup, hell.
So I guess there you have it. I'm a sinner according to the Seven Deadly Sins of the Christian faith. I guess the good thing is that I don't believe in heaven or hell.
Is that sloth? I hope so, because sloth sounds pretty damn cool :)
peace nick