Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Well folks, all good things must come to an end, and so is the same for my beloved blog here. I have finished moving all the posts into the draft archives (which is a pain in the ass btw), and have tidied up some.

Sometime in the near future we will pack up and move to a new corner of the web where I can rant and rave in anonymity. I'm excited for the change, yet sad to leave behind what has become my baby over the last 9 months.

Thank you to all the loyal readers out there... all 3 of you... If you would like to know where we end up, just shoot me an email - I won't be posting the link here or redirecting any traffic to the new site. Obviously, or I wouldn't be very anonymous, would I?

Even in my parting post I am a smartass... you guys love me...

So with that........

This is your host, signing off. Good night, and God bless.

peace nick

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

We're sorry...

but the blog you are trying to access:

Washing your hands is stupid...

is temporarily out of service...

Please feel free to check out the other, more interesting sites linked to on the right hand side.

Thank you. God Bless.

peace nick

Monday, June 20, 2005

I feel bad now...

Something happened last night. I don't yet know whether it will turn out to be good or bad.

Last night Amy and I went over to cook out with some friends and play some crochet. The beginning of the night was going well. Until we got home. Actually the ride home is when it started.

I didn't even think we drank that much but we started arguing about it. She was blabbing that I had too much to drink and was hitting on her friend. I was yelling that she was showing off to my friends... yadda yadda yadda...

By the time we got home it was getting physical and she kept grabbing my arm, just digging her fricken nails into my skin...

Then I hit her.

I don't think either of us realized what happened, we had never even come close to that point before. But now we were there. I had no idea what to expect at this point, so I pushed her down to the floor and tried to hold her there. Of course that didn't work... She was going crazy, so I let her go.

She takes off into the spare bedroom screaming that she is going to call her brothers to come kick my ass, which is hilarious... Her brothers all think they are tough, but it's not like I care about them. I really only have one to worry about, Pat, and I'm pretty sure I could take him one on one.

Anyways, the night went on, we kept fighting, but no one showed up. I don't think her family really cares one way or the other. Which is kewl, because if she ever gets in my face again, I may have to smack her again. And again. And again...

And if her family ever says anything, maybe I will smack them too. Again, and again, and again...


You think I would actually hit Amy?! I'm just kidding about all this...

I found out over the weekend that we have been sniffed out by family members and they are secretly keeping tabs on us... Just thought I would have a little fun to welcome them as readers...


peace nick

btw - Amy would whoop me, and her brothers would too. I'm dum, but not that dum.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

You can kiss her... I don't mind...

We watched the Seinfeld episode The Summer of George last night, and this conversation came up:

"What is so appealing to men about a catfight?"

"Because men think if women are grabbing and clawing at each other, there's a chance they might somehow kiss."

- Elaine and Jerry, in "The Summer of George"

Let me take that a step further... if there is a chance that two women might kiss, there is a chance you might be able to slip in there and three some it up!

Ya know... men are the only creatures on earth who want to see two or more of the other sex together. Animals sure don't want this, and it's not like most women really want to see two guys together... especially if one of them is their man.

Why are men so different? Because. We're shallow.

Women want romance, excitement, a sensual environment...

Men just want sex. And the more, the better. Two women is just more sex... er... more potential sex. Because I can't for the life of me figure out what two women involved in sexual relations would possibly want a man for... but that's another topic.

Anyways, I just thought this was funny, because it's true. Women, guys want to see you kiss more. In fact, any type of sexual contact with friends, or even women you don't know, would be great.

We'll buy the beers even... Good. Good talk...

Oh yeah, before I forget... we are meeting with some government folks on Tuesday to discuss our business plan and some different loan/grant options for our business. I don't want to get too excited, but this actually sounds promising!

More to come next week... stay tuned. Maybe I will start a new blog if this works out.... How to Start a Business When You Are Young and Poor....

peace nick

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I'll be busy too...

For the first time in some weeks I went thru my bookmarks-o-blogs to start my lunch off. It has been some time since I have caught up with my favorite blogs. And then I realized... they are all gone! Most have posted like twice since May... my good buddy over at Life in Iran hasn't posted since January.

Is he in jail?

Maddox hardly ever writes anymore... Peacegrrl is touch and go.... Buttafly is done...

Damn peeps...

Is the internet going away? Has it been reduced to online porn and poker?

Yes. Yes it has.

The Michael Jackson type trials and Howard Stern have dumbed us down so much that even the bright people can't go on anymore. It's hopeless.

F&*$ that... we're chuggin' on. With or without them bastards.

BTW - I played 3 hours on $10 with my poker buddies last night... I'm getting the hang of it I think. Next stop - WINNING, BITCHES!

BTWW - we're still looking into grants to get our damn business.... It's a long shot, but we won't be happy until we have exhausted every last avenue. Wish us luck.

I SAID WISH US LUCK! You selfish piece of.... crap, gotta go...

peace nick

Monday, June 13, 2005

Wish I was there...

Wow. Pink Floyd is getting back together for this Live 8 concert deal. I could care less about the other stupid bands, but it would be great to see the real Pink Floyd! It would ROCK!

WE DON'T NEED NO EDUCATION!!! dana danadana dana.... Yeah baby...

The whole Live 8 idea I could care less about. Yeah, let's have a concert to do away with poverty... it's that simple.

Don't you think if it was that simple to get rid of poverty... someone would have done it already?!

People are living in poverty because the people who have guns and run their countries are crooks and criminals. It's not that they don't have enough food or money. There is plenty of natural resources in Africa to lift it out of poverty.

But yeah, whatever, it sounds nice and warm and fuzzy for a bunch of rich musicians to get together and say they are going to help poverty. Really they aren't going to do jack except sell a bunch of really expensive tickets, and the money will dissolve back into the operation anyways.

Africa is poor now, it will be poor tomorrow, the next day, the next day... and until they decide they don't want to be led by a bunch of drugged up whackos, they will forever be poor.

You could have a Doors/Grateful Dead/ Beatles reunion and it wouldn't make a bit of difference for poor Africa.... although that would be a rockin' concert...

peace nick

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I love this guy!

"You know, the Republicans are not very friendly to different kinds of people. They're a pretty monolithic party. Pretty much, they all behave the same, and they all look the same. ... It's pretty much a white Christian party... '' - Howard Dean

Hmmm... Someone should tell people like Condoleezza Rice, Alberto Gonzales, Alan Keyes, Ron Paige, Colin Powell, etc, that they are in the wrong party.

A little prediction for Democrats... the longer this guy has to open his mouth, the more humiliating your 2008 loss will be...

peace nick

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Happy Birthday Cleo!!!!

peace nick

Friday, June 03, 2005

Yeah, so, thanks...

Hey everyone! Thanks for all the sympathy yesterday when I was on the VERGE OF A BREAK DOWN!


Geez... a little compassion wouldn't be too much to ask, would it?

Oh well. Screw all of you.

I've thought a lot about our dreams being flushed down the toilet this week. I've thought all about how much I despise my job now, how un-motivated I am to do anything, how bitter I am at all the rich people who have money and assets...

Then I thought, ya know, there are people with real problems in this world... famine, disease, war... and I'm sitting here whining about the fact that I can't get a stupid business loan because we don't have any equity in our house... or we don't have any rich uncles to pay our way...

Then I started feeling sorry for myself again because I really don't care about other people's problems... Screw them.

I mean, I have a great job and all... a good family, nice cars, a nice house. I'm certainly not complaining that my life is so horrible...

I guess it just pisses me off that wherever I look there are business owners that are absolute morons. They couldn't run their own businesses if their pathetic lives depended on it. Instead they rely on their employees to do everything, pay them crappy wages, treat them like crap, treat their customers like crap... and yet, they have their own business. The banks roll out the red carpet for them.

THEY'RE STUPID! We're smart. And yet... we got no business.

Alright, alright... I promise no more whining about the business crap. Not that any of you care one way or the other... all you idiots care about is doing the crip walk and finding nude flight attendant pictures, or pictures of kids washing their hands...

I don't know what to do with you people...

peace nick

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Our Business... part 2...

The dream has ended.

The business plan is no longer due to us being f-ing broke in the eyes of those who hold all the f-ing money.

F$#& YOU.

Ya know... if they told us that our business plan or loan proposal sucked, that would be one thing. If we didn't talk to the right people, or didn't fill out the paper work right... I could handle all that. Those things can be worked on and improved.

But how the hell are we supposed to come up with $60,000 to START a business?

If I had $60,000, I wouldn't need to start a business, I could invest it and have a fortune when I retire.

It just sucks that your opportunity is right there... and this place would mean retiring at 40... but no, you just can't get your foot in the door....

No matter how good your credit, or how good of an idea you have, or how you prove that this thing will make money because it is already in business, booked out a year and a half... despite all that, if you don't have 25% right off the bat, you got nothing.


Back to your crappy ass job, with your crappy ass fellow employees, taking orders from a bunch of assholes, who in the end, don't give a crap about you, writing in this stupid ass blog over the lunch hour just to keep from going insane, and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

blah blah blah blah


peace blah blah blah

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Our Business... part 1...

So yesterday was the first milestone in our quest to be business owners. We worked day and night over the holiday weekend to finish our business plan and loan proposal. Yesterday we met with the bank to pitch our idea.

It did not start smoothly... The guy we were supposed to meet with didn't even show up for work, and never bothered to call to cancel or reschedule our appointment. Jackass.

You can imagine how we felt when we walked into the bank, all prepared and ready to go, and were told that the person we were supposed to meet with wasn't there... I don't know if you know this or not... but we are the most impatient people EVER! There was no way I was leaving without talking to someone!

So we did. The Assistant Vice President. P-R-E-S-S-U-R-E!!!!

The meeting started and quickly went downhill, of course... How could a loan proposal meeting possibly go well??? It turns out, wouldn't you know it, that you need a lot of money to start a business. Or assets.

You need something... and we don't have a lot. We definately don't have 25% of what we figure we would need to purchase and start-up this monster...

But, there are some options we are exploring, so it wasn't a total downer. One option is to work with a government agency called the Small Business Administration, which would help guarantee our loan based more on our character than our assets.

Oh, we've got your character baby!

So now we have to beat on the people selling the place we want to fork over their financials so we know where we stand with the bank. You would think someone selling a business would have all that ready to go, but if you have read my blog at all over the past year, you are well aware that nothing goes as planned for us.


So, that is that. Our first step was a big one, and we're still trying to figure out where to put our foot down. We haven't stepped on a pile of money, but, we haven't stepped in crap either.

More to come.

peace nick