Monday, June 13, 2005

Wish I was there...

Wow. Pink Floyd is getting back together for this Live 8 concert deal. I could care less about the other stupid bands, but it would be great to see the real Pink Floyd! It would ROCK!

WE DON'T NEED NO EDUCATION!!! dana danadana dana.... Yeah baby...

The whole Live 8 idea I could care less about. Yeah, let's have a concert to do away with poverty... it's that simple.

Don't you think if it was that simple to get rid of poverty... someone would have done it already?!

People are living in poverty because the people who have guns and run their countries are crooks and criminals. It's not that they don't have enough food or money. There is plenty of natural resources in Africa to lift it out of poverty.

But yeah, whatever, it sounds nice and warm and fuzzy for a bunch of rich musicians to get together and say they are going to help poverty. Really they aren't going to do jack except sell a bunch of really expensive tickets, and the money will dissolve back into the operation anyways.

Africa is poor now, it will be poor tomorrow, the next day, the next day... and until they decide they don't want to be led by a bunch of drugged up whackos, they will forever be poor.

You could have a Doors/Grateful Dead/ Beatles reunion and it wouldn't make a bit of difference for poor Africa.... although that would be a rockin' concert...

peace nick


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