Wednesday, May 25, 2005

How about locking the judges up instead?

In the past I have harped on the fact that child molestors get sentences that are way too lenient, and thus, that's why we are always seeing them pop back up in the news.

Mark Belling, who hosts a very successful radio talk show in Milwaukee, WI, takes up this topic in his recent column in the Waukesha Freeman newspaper. Since it won't be online past today, I wanted to copy part of that article, since I think it highlights the problem very well.

Mark Belling's website is, and his weekly column can be found here . This is part of what he writes:

If you want to molest a child, Washington County [Wisconsin] is the place to do it. The district attorney and judges in that county are offering up sentences so soft that they are eye-popping. In the past three weeks, several cases from Washington County illustrate the weak-kneed attitude of Washington County District Attorney Todd Martens and two judges in that county.

Arthur Ankenbrant, 46, of West Bend [Wisconsin], was convicted of molesting a 9-year-old girl after telling her that he wanted to teach her how to protect herself from other molesters. Ankenbrant also faced molestation charges in Florida that led his ex-wife to terminate Ankenbrant’s parental rights (although the charges were then dropped). In the recent case, a jury unanimously convicted Ankenbrant.

The three counts on which he was convicted allowed a maximum sentence of 150 years. Instead, Martens’ office recommended eight. That’s less than 6 percent of what he was eligible for. The judge, Patrick Faragher, went even softer. He sentenced Ankenbrant to a mere seven years in prison. What’s weird about these sentences is that both the judge and the assistant district attorney stated they felt Ankenbrant’s crime was serious. Faragher even stated from the bench that Ankenbrant has a high chance of re-offending after release. Martens doesn’t even believe he owes the community an explanation for his weak approach, telling me that if I want to know his office’s opinion on the case to get a copy of the court transcript.

Despite their own purported beliefs in Ankenbrant’s guilt, the district attorney and judge came up with a sentence that will likely have Ankenbrant out of jail by the end of the decade.

I agree 100% with Mark Belling. It is time to start going after these ninny judges and DAs. The public overwhelmingly wants these creeps to stay locked up, forever and ever and ever, and the laws allow us to do that. Unfortunately we just can't get reasonable sentences out of these courts.

The time has come for an outcry! When is the American public going to stand up and say enough is enough?

I wonder...

peace nick

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Screw Nasdaq, buy me!

I've been messing around with this site called blogshares (link over on the right). It a site where you can trade stock in different blogs, and your own. I haven't explored it too much yet, but it is pretty interesting... except for it says my blog is a declining blog...

Yeah, like I don't have enough pressure to write interesting posts, now I have friggen stockholders to keep in mind... I have to find some ways to get my stock price up...

How about if everyone looking for nude flight attendants goes over the blogshares site, signs up, buys my blog's stock and I will post several pictures of actual nude flight attendants!

Did you hear me?! REAL NUDE FLIGHT ATTENDANTS! Right here, on this very blog.

You want pictures of kids washing their hands? You got it.

More posts on Dave Chappelle? Coming right up!

Just click on the link on the right, buy a crap load of stock, drop me a line telling me what you want to see, and I shall post it for you. It's that simple! See, keeping your stock holders happy isn't that hard...

So anyways, enough of that... We have, in our lovely family, begun to take two very large steps into the future... having a baby and starting a business.

I don't know which one scares me more. If you screw up either one you could end up broke, miserable and, well, miserable...

The upside, I suppose, is that I will have a lot more interesting topics to post about! You will all get to witness first hand, and follow along, as I/we go completely f-ing crazy... That should be fun, right?

Nah, I think it will be fun. I don't want to leak too many details yet... but stay tuned... it could get interesting.

peace nick

Monday, May 23, 2005

I love you Howard Dean! Rarrrr!!!

I love Howard Dean, I really do. And I strongly supported his bid to become the head of the DNC...

Why, you ask?

Because I can always count on Dr. Dean to make a complete ass of himself every single time he speaks, and I know that makes the straight and foward Democrat cringe...

Just take for example this little blip from a story in the Washington Times:
"Rush Limbaugh has made a career of belittling other people and making
jokes about President Clinton, about Mrs. Clinton and others," Mr. Dean said. "I
don't think he's in any position to do that.

"I will use whatever position I have in order to root out hypocrisy," he
said. "Democrats have strong moral values. Frankly, my moral values are offended
by some of the things I hear on programs like "Rush Limbaugh,' and we don't have
to put up with that."

I don't know... maybe he thinks the Average Joe can't put two and two together... but I can. And I know my well-educated readers can...

Unfortunately you never get a good reporter who can pick up on these things right away and put dumbasses like Dean in their place, on the spot.

Wouldn't ya think a decent reporter like Tim Russert would have caught this and asked:

"Dr., I noticed that on one hand you defend the former President and his cold, selfish, lying, two-faced wife... and then you go on to state that Democrats have strong moral values, and that you are offended by some of the things you hear on Rush Limbaugh's radio program, which has an audience that you could only dream of.... Would you say that you're all mighty moral values are NOT offended by the very slimeball you defended just now??? He did after all cheat on his wife and RECEIVE ORAL SEX IN THE OVAL OFFICE BY AN INTERN!!!"

Maybe I'm expecting too much...

peace nick

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Napoleon can dance yo!

This is too funny not to post...


peace nick

You thought anti-abortion judges were bad...

Here is the perfect reason why Democrats have no business telling Republicans which judges to appoint to federal courts....

In a case in Milwaukee, WI, Judge Lynn Adelman (appointed by Clinton) found Cordelia Ekwueme not guilty of federal fraud charges. Ekwueme, former Chief Financial Officer of OIC used $46,000 from her employer to buy thousands of cell phones, with the intention of reselling them in Africa.

OIC is the Opportunities Industrialization Center, which used to be a contractor for the Wisconsin Works (W2) welfare program, and was funded mostly by government grants and illegal kick backs. It's former executive director, and a Wisconsin State Senator have both been sentenced to jail time for illegal deals involving OIC.

In other words, OIC takes government money to run most of Wisconsin's welfare program. They themselves are "non-profit", but they coordinate with many subsidiaries who are for profit... it was a big mess really... which is why a bunch of people involved in it are sitting in jail at the moment.

So this Ekwueme character takes $46,000 from a government funded company that is supposed to be going to W2 welfare recepients, goes over to the local Cingular dealer, cuts a discount for a crap load of phones that she plans to go and sell in Africa.

She testified at her trial (a non-jury trial) that she "fully intended to pay OIC back", but that she never got a bill...

C'mon... who actually believes that crap?

Anyways, what does this liberal piece of crap judge say about it????

"She should have been more skeptical about purchasing phones in such an unorthodox way," In other words, she didn't obtain the phones by fraud!

If you steal $46,000 from your employer, buy a bunch of stuff that you intend to resell, and never bother to pay the employer back, because you just never got a bill...


So this, my friends, is why Democrats not only have no business telling Republicans who to appoint to life long judgeships, they sure as hell have no business appointing them themselves, should, allah help us, they ever regain control of anything in this country....


peace nick

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

You got ID for that meth?

I love our great state of Wisconsin. I can always be proud of the fact that our legislators go out of their way to make it a safe place to live. And I was happy to hear that they have taken steps to crack down on methamphetamine (aka meth) production in the state.

See, our legislature recently passed a bill that would make it much harder for meth producers to buy cold medicine, which they then turn around and use to make the meth. One of the main ingredients used to make meth is pseudoephedrine, common in cold medicines like Sudafed, etc...

According to a local news story here the bill would:

• Require products with pseudoephedrine to be sold behind a pharmacist's counter. This includes products in which pseudoephedrine is combined with other ingredients but exempts those in liquid or liquid gel cap form.

• Restrict the amount sold to one person in a 30-day period.

• Require buyers to show a photo ID to purchase the drugs.

• Mandate that pharmacists maintain a log book of sales.

• Prevent retailers from selling products with pseudoephedrine to those younger than 18.

The bill also would stiffen rules about what constitutes possession with intent to manufacture methamphetamine.

Wait a second... Require buyers to show a photo ID to purchase the drugs???

Require a photo ID to buy Sudafed... that is interesting... especially when you consider that our wonderful Governor has several times vetoed a bill that would require people to show a photo ID to VOTE IN THIS STATE!

So in Wisconsin, you need a photo ID to buy cold medicine, but any schmuck can walk up to the polls on election day and VOTE without showing anything.

Here are some quotes from legislators on the photo ID to vote proposal:

Rep. Pedro Colón criticized Sen. Tim Carpenter for voting for the photo ID bill (AB 63). If the measure becomes law, Colón said, it would suppress the votes of the poor, minorities and elderly.

"The one thing we shouldn't do is disenfranchise people," Sen. Spencer Coggs, a Milwaukee Democrat said. Homeless veterans in Milwaukee, for example, already have "lots of demons" - and a photo ID requirement would be one more emotional burden for them, he said.

Democratic Sen. Judy Robson, of Beloit, accused Republicans of having a "hidden agenda" of making sure fewer Democrats vote. "The intent is to suppress voting," she said.

“Many [people], particularly the elderly and poor, lack photo ID, and these people shouldn’t be denied the right to vote,” Governor Doyle spokesperson Melanie Fonder said. “We want more people to vote, not fewer.”

Hmmm... disenfranchising the poor, the elderly, minorities... the homeless, oh the poor, minority homeless...

I guess Democrats in this state are interested in all those groups being able to vote (multiple times using fake names and addresses) but they are all SOL should they happen to get a cold in this state...

And the wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round...

peace nick (meth addict)

Monday, May 16, 2005

I have a secret...

I have been fascinated with this site I found in the blogosphere called Post Secret (link on the right side). Basically what it is, is a blog where people mail postcards with secrets on them to this person who puts them on his blog.

Yes, some of them are probably fake... or are they? Either way, some are really weird and kind of chilling...

But I am inspired, and will now share with all of you... one of my secrets:


But I like the attention my blog gets because of it...

I feel all dirty now...

peace nick

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Denver SUCKS!

Add Denver to the list of cities that can leave the United States and join Cuba...

We can't think of anything better to do so we ban Pitbulls...

Go die Denver.

peace nick

Need your pet euthanized? Call PETA!

According to PETA Kills Animals, a wonderful website exposing the absolute hypocrisy of PETA terrorists, PETA does a fine job of helping animals out there in Virginia...

From the second half of 1998 to EOY 2003, PETA took in just over 13,000 (13,021) cats and dogs to its Norfolk, Virginia facility. It adopted or transferred a whopping 2,800....

IT EUTHANIZED 10,195!!!!

That's an adoption rate of about 19% That's f-ing despicable for a group of holier-than-thou, hypocrite vegans who have the nerve to go around telling any of us who eat meat that WE KILL ANIMALS!!!

Absolutely despicable....

peace nick

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Happy Birthday Natron!

Natron turns 6 years old today. Happy birthday Bud!!!

peace Dad

Monday, May 09, 2005

Dammit! Being healthy is hard!

I was all excited all morning to go to McDonalds, because I seen an advertisement for this new fruit and walnut salad they have now. Basically I ate like a pig this weekend and Im hoping to make up for it this week by eating good and working out like there is no tomorrow....

Well now I have to work out even fricken harder... because when I pulled up in the drive-thru, they just had to put this big advertisement for crispy chicken sandwich.

I have the self-control of a compulsive gambler who just got paid.... I couldnt resist, so I got the chicken sandwich and the fruit salad....

Damn you McDonalds!!! Why be so good, and so bad at the same time?

I know some of you are probably thinking (you skinny people), "Eww, McDonalds is so gross, I would never eat there!"

Yeah, well F&$% you... the crap is addicting and I lived on it when I was skinny and had all sorts of metabolism to burn it off.

Now that I have a job that requires me to sit at a computer a good chunk of my day, I cant eat anything without having to do 8 gazillion stairs a day just to break even.

Ive tried the Subway diet forever, and I think that Jared guy is a lying piece of crap. While I dont gain any weight if I eat Subway for lunch, I sure as hell am not losing any either.

This being healthy and working out crap sucks... I should just start taking 'roids, and popping a couple hundred make-you-shake-uncontrollably-until-you-have-to-get-up-and-run pills a day. I wonder if thats what it takes to lose 10 or 15 pounds when you have no control over the crap food you eat and you have the daytime metabolism of a f-ing snail...

Dear healthy, skinny and buff people:

F&$% YOU!!! When you puke up your food after every meal, because you must... I hope you get some on your shoe!

Yeah... so there!

peace nick (still about 15 pounds overweight...)

Friday, May 06, 2005


So today is Slap Your Irritating Co-workers Day. Remember folks... only one an hour, and no weapons from outside the office. Now get to work...

SLAP! Yeah... how you like me now?

On a more serious note... There was a story on the internet today about a woman who was entering her motel room in Columbus, OH when some goon tried to rob her at gun point. Luckily the woman just so happen to have a Rottweiler (really a mix...) in her room. The dog charges the man with the gun and is shot 3 times.

You can read the story here.

If this woman doesn't have a gun herself, or the Rottweiler in the room, there's a good chance she could have been the one shot 3 times. Unfortunately in many places in this country, it isn't legal to own and/or possess either a Rottweiler or a gun...

Something to think about...

peace nick

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Because Paul Harvey says so!

You guys thought I was going to write a post on concealed carry, didn't you? You came here all excited, ready to dive into a well thought out, rational and informational post on why law abiding citizens should be allowed to protect themselves from criminals with guns...

Well, I'm not going to write a post about concealed carry. Not because I don't care, or couldn't write a well thought out, rational and informational post on the subject, but because I don't really have anything new to add to the arguements. And you can read those arguements all over the internet.

So, instead, I will leave you with some information that may change your life forever. And it came from Paul Harvey...

According to Paul Harvey, when your batteries run out of "juice", you can hold two together, negative end to negative end, tap them together several times, and get 15% more life out of them.


Well..... what the hell are you still doing here??? GO TRY IT!


peace nick

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Stop the abortion bus! I'm gonna be sick...

This just in from a news story here:

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) - A judge has ruled that a 13-year-old girl at the center of an abortion fight with the state may terminate her pregnancy.

Juvenile Judge Ronald Alvarez on Monday ruled that the teen, who has been in state custody for four years, would not be physically or emotionally harmed by the procedure. Last week, Alvarez blocked the girl's abortion until a psychological evaluation was completed.

"He ruled that she is competent, that she has made a decision and that she has a right to act on that decision,'' said Howard Simon, executive director of the Florida American Civil Liberties Union, which represented the girl.

Now... for starters... this girl is 13, right? She has been in "state custody" since she was 9.... 4 years, right?

I would question what the heck they are teaching kids that are in state custody (or not teaching them...) and how much custody is "state" custody?

Aside from all that... why on earth should taxpayers have to pay for a 13-year-old girl to get an abortion??? I am pro-abortion, don't get me wrong... but I'll be damned if I'm going to pay for some 13-year-old little slut to get one!!!

I'm sure you are now saying, "Oh my God, how can you call this poor little girl a slut?! She has been let down by the State of Florida!"

Yeah, she has, and now someone needs to take responsibility for this screw up. But that doesn't change the fact that if she is old enough to go out and get knocked up, then she needs to take responsibility for her actions. The state taxpayers shouldn't have to do it!

I don't live in Florida. If I did, I would be 10 times as hacked off about this... Apparently down in Florida, they lock the kids up, feed them a bunch of liberal bull, send them off to get knocked up at 13... and then they have to fight this huge liberal lawyers association, the ACLU, to prevent the taxpayers from paying for the damn abortion!

That is outrageous!

Either way, my dear Floridians, you are being raped by your own state government... The backwards, twisted, bunch of f-ing IDIOTS that they are... ALL OF THEM!

What the hell is wrong with Florida? You can't count ballots (or read them), you can't drive, and you apparently spend money like it grows on the orange trees...

Florida... you are an embarassment to the Union, and we're going to have to cut you loose... HAVE FUN JOINING CUBA!

....morons.... 13-year-olds having state-financed abortions..... Lord help us...

peace nick

Monday, May 02, 2005

I can confirm that you are not perfect...

We have two confirmations to go to this coming weekend. Being the non-church-goer that I am, I didn't really understand what confirmation was/is, so I decided to take some time to look it up.
So I go over to my trusty Catholic Encyclopedia and look up confirmation.

Confirmation: A sacrament in which the Holy Ghost is given to those already baptized in order to make them strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ.

So if I am understanding this correctly, God is given to people who have been baptized, to apparently make them better people then they are now... or strong and perfect Christians...

Strong and perfect Christians... Now I can see why this is done with young children...

I fully expect to look around the churches this weekend and see a large majority of wannabe Christians.

Afterall, is remarriage after divorce not allowed in the Catholic church? Is adultery not allowed in the Catholic church?

And yet there will be people there who have been divorced and remarried, who have cheated on their spouses, and I'm certain there are other sins abound in the wonderful world of wannabe Christians.

So why pretend? Why pretend that you follow the teachings of your church, and continue to go thru all these things like confirmation, baptisms, etc???

I don't go to church, and I have doubts at times about whether I believe in a "God". But I don't go around pretending to be something that I am not. It's fake.

If you are divorced and remarried, if you have been unfaithful to your spouse, you are not welcome in the Catholic church, am I right? Just deal with the fact that you are not perfect and quit pretending...

And spare me the holier than thou bull when you ask me why I don't go to church or believe in God...

Because I am not perfect, and I don't pretend that I am... like you do.

peace nick