Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Stop the abortion bus! I'm gonna be sick...

This just in from a news story here:

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) - A judge has ruled that a 13-year-old girl at the center of an abortion fight with the state may terminate her pregnancy.

Juvenile Judge Ronald Alvarez on Monday ruled that the teen, who has been in state custody for four years, would not be physically or emotionally harmed by the procedure. Last week, Alvarez blocked the girl's abortion until a psychological evaluation was completed.

"He ruled that she is competent, that she has made a decision and that she has a right to act on that decision,'' said Howard Simon, executive director of the Florida American Civil Liberties Union, which represented the girl.

Now... for starters... this girl is 13, right? She has been in "state custody" since she was 9.... 4 years, right?

I would question what the heck they are teaching kids that are in state custody (or not teaching them...) and how much custody is "state" custody?

Aside from all that... why on earth should taxpayers have to pay for a 13-year-old girl to get an abortion??? I am pro-abortion, don't get me wrong... but I'll be damned if I'm going to pay for some 13-year-old little slut to get one!!!

I'm sure you are now saying, "Oh my God, how can you call this poor little girl a slut?! She has been let down by the State of Florida!"

Yeah, she has, and now someone needs to take responsibility for this screw up. But that doesn't change the fact that if she is old enough to go out and get knocked up, then she needs to take responsibility for her actions. The state taxpayers shouldn't have to do it!

I don't live in Florida. If I did, I would be 10 times as hacked off about this... Apparently down in Florida, they lock the kids up, feed them a bunch of liberal bull, send them off to get knocked up at 13... and then they have to fight this huge liberal lawyers association, the ACLU, to prevent the taxpayers from paying for the damn abortion!

That is outrageous!

Either way, my dear Floridians, you are being raped by your own state government... The backwards, twisted, bunch of f-ing IDIOTS that they are... ALL OF THEM!

What the hell is wrong with Florida? You can't count ballots (or read them), you can't drive, and you apparently spend money like it grows on the orange trees...

Florida... you are an embarassment to the Union, and we're going to have to cut you loose... HAVE FUN JOINING CUBA!

....morons.... 13-year-olds having state-financed abortions..... Lord help us...

peace nick


Anonymous Anonymous said...

At the same time Florida gives everyone a gun and says "now if you feel threatened then shoot to kill." Man don't ya just love that state.

2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a strong advocate of concealed carry :)

We know tomorrow's topic!

peace nick

3:13 PM  

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