Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Screw Nasdaq, buy me!

I've been messing around with this site called blogshares (link over on the right). It a site where you can trade stock in different blogs, and your own. I haven't explored it too much yet, but it is pretty interesting... except for it says my blog is a declining blog...

Yeah, like I don't have enough pressure to write interesting posts, now I have friggen stockholders to keep in mind... I have to find some ways to get my stock price up...

How about if everyone looking for nude flight attendants goes over the blogshares site, signs up, buys my blog's stock and I will post several pictures of actual nude flight attendants!

Did you hear me?! REAL NUDE FLIGHT ATTENDANTS! Right here, on this very blog.

You want pictures of kids washing their hands? You got it.

More posts on Dave Chappelle? Coming right up!

Just click on the link on the right, buy a crap load of stock, drop me a line telling me what you want to see, and I shall post it for you. It's that simple! See, keeping your stock holders happy isn't that hard...

So anyways, enough of that... We have, in our lovely family, begun to take two very large steps into the future... having a baby and starting a business.

I don't know which one scares me more. If you screw up either one you could end up broke, miserable and, well, miserable...

The upside, I suppose, is that I will have a lot more interesting topics to post about! You will all get to witness first hand, and follow along, as I/we go completely f-ing crazy... That should be fun, right?

Nah, I think it will be fun. I don't want to leak too many details yet... but stay tuned... it could get interesting.

peace nick


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