I can't get no, power in Wisconsin
Anyways, if you've ever read my website, you already know my disgust for Concerned Citizen groups in this state. I really get a bug in my ass when these morons target any project aiming to increase power production in this sickly state.
Now they are at it again! There was a story in my local paper recently (here) about a new Concerned Citizen group, fighting yet another proposed wind energy site in this area. This is what the pansies in this state are reduced to now. We cannot produce any more energy in this state, ever. There are people who will fight anything! Nuclear power has no chance anywhere in this country. Because of uneducated morons. Natural gas is too expensive to produce, and even if it weren't, have fun trying to drill for it! And coal... well.... all that nasty pollution.... how horrible.
But now, we cannot harvest wind to produce power. Oh the wind turbines are too tall... they obstruct my view of the horizon... they make the sunlight flicker which gives me a headache.... Ok fine. But now they are protesting because the ground climate may change.... Are you kidding me? What next, wind pollution concerns? Did ya conduct studies on whether wind turbines create wind pollution? Huh huh, did ya? What about a study to figure out just when we are going to run out of power in this state. I'd sure be interested in seeing the results of that, because I bet it's any day now.
You know what really pisses me off about these people? They are the same ones that bitch and moan about Republicans being responsible for job losses and "outsourcing". I wonder if it ever occured to them that maybe businesses are not real excited about working in an area where there will never be any more energy production. Ever. You cannot even put up power LINES anymore without someone throwing a fit. Hmmm.... I bet no one ever complains about clean energy production in China. If you do, they probably just come and kill you, which is what we should do with these people who just refuse to allow anything that changes the environment at all, forget the fact that wind power is the cleanest f-ing way to produce energy we have.
I can't stand these stupid people, they drive me nuts. The battery in my laptop is not good enough to last through extended blackouts and I will literally lose it without the internet in my house. Ground climate change...... lets see how much the ground climate changes when I burn your damn house down....
peace nick