Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I can't get no, power in Wisconsin

You kind of have to say the title with the Stones I can't get no satisfaction theme... nevermind. It sounded good in my head.
Anyways, if you've ever read my website, you already know my disgust for Concerned Citizen groups in this state. I really get a bug in my ass when these morons target any project aiming to increase power production in this sickly state.
Now they are at it again! There was a story in my local paper recently (here) about a new Concerned Citizen group, fighting yet another proposed wind energy site in this area. This is what the pansies in this state are reduced to now. We cannot produce any more energy in this state, ever. There are people who will fight anything! Nuclear power has no chance anywhere in this country. Because of uneducated morons. Natural gas is too expensive to produce, and even if it weren't, have fun trying to drill for it! And coal... well.... all that nasty pollution.... how horrible.
But now, we cannot harvest wind to produce power. Oh the wind turbines are too tall... they obstruct my view of the horizon... they make the sunlight flicker which gives me a headache.... Ok fine. But now they are protesting because the ground climate may change.... Are you kidding me? What next, wind pollution concerns? Did ya conduct studies on whether wind turbines create wind pollution? Huh huh, did ya? What about a study to figure out just when we are going to run out of power in this state. I'd sure be interested in seeing the results of that, because I bet it's any day now.
You know what really pisses me off about these people? They are the same ones that bitch and moan about Republicans being responsible for job losses and "outsourcing". I wonder if it ever occured to them that maybe businesses are not real excited about working in an area where there will never be any more energy production. Ever. You cannot even put up power LINES anymore without someone throwing a fit. Hmmm.... I bet no one ever complains about clean energy production in China. If you do, they probably just come and kill you, which is what we should do with these people who just refuse to allow anything that changes the environment at all, forget the fact that wind power is the cleanest f-ing way to produce energy we have.
I can't stand these stupid people, they drive me nuts. The battery in my laptop is not good enough to last through extended blackouts and I will literally lose it without the internet in my house. Ground climate change...... lets see how much the ground climate changes when I burn your damn house down....

peace nick

Merry Christmas... lets break something!

I can't believe that tomorrow is the first day of December. You know what this means? Only 2 *full* weeks until Christmas vacation starts. If I can hold on to my remaining two days of vacation, I will get 12 days off this year for Christmas. I guess this is probably the only benefit of working for a company that has its vacation schedule set by a greedy union. Thank you greedy UAW!
So I have 12 days to spend at home. Last year during my vacation I so foolishly tried to remodel our kitchen. It's still to this day not finished. I've never been much for actually completing projects, they're only fun to start. I could always just finish the kitchen... nah! Like I said, projects are only fun to start.
Maybe this year's project will involve destroying a bathroom... I've always wanted to smash a cast iron tub out with a sledge hammer, I hear it's great fun.
Either way, Christmas is a great time for destruction and I plan on using every minute to the fullest. I guess I should change my Christmas list to just gift certificates from Home Depot....

More to come later.

peace nick

Sunday, November 28, 2004


Things Im thankful for:

A great family. An awesome family.

Having to drive 80 miles to find out I had no oil cap on my car.

Wireless technology. Its so much more comfy to do this on the couch.

Bars, for reminding me why I dont like bars.

Smoke, for reminding me why I quit smoking.

MARR volunteers. You can't adopt dogs without people.

Food. Especially the orange chicken we had last night. Yum.

Dog bones for allowing me peace and quiet, and time to write in my super kewl blog. Super kewl.

BTW - Potential home for Andy is getting the homecheck today. With any luck, he will be home in a week or two.... more peace and quiet to come.

peace nick

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Uncle! Uncle!

I give in! I surrender! All those bad things I ever said, bad thoughts I thought, I take them all back!

I believe in God!

I will eat my brussel sprouts!

I will vote for John Kerry next time around!

I will do anything!

But pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeeeee STOP SCREWING WITH MY CAR!!!!

I cant take it anymore. I now have to spend an entire morning (hopefully only that long) to take my car into the shop AGAIN! Now some stupid malfunction inidicator light is on in my piece of CRAP car.
Seriously, just kill me now and spare the car, Im begging you... No?


It will now be my sole mission in life to trash the living hell out of Volkswagen at every possible opportunity. I will picket in front of VW dealers. I will spit on every single one I come across. I will run for Senate on the platform of invading Germany and blowing up every damn VW building in that horrible little excuse of a piss ant country.
Heads will f-ing roll for this! DONT EVER EVER EVER EVEN THINK ABOUT BUYING VW!!! If you do, I will find out, I will hunt you down and pull your toe nails out with a pliers!
You think Im kidding? TRY ME!!!

kiss my ass

Poop on common sense...

Being involved in dog rescue over the last 6 or so years has taught me a lot of things. One of those things is that too many people make decisions based on emotion, or "what feels good". Decisions based on emotion are almost always bad decisions. If emotion has one job, its to poop on common sense. They almost never work together.
One bad decision often made in animal rescue, which is so often based on pure emotion, is to go "no-kill". What does no-kill mean? It means in a shelter that is no-kill, no animal is euthanized because of lack of space.
While I respect the work that anyone involved in animal rescue does, its thankless and usually heart-breaking work, I have news for the feel-gooders in animal rescue:

If you want to solve the animal over-population problem, without government intervention, you better cut the no-kill crap.

What the feel-gooders in animal rescue refuse to acknowledge is, that there are more animals in need of homes, than there are people willing to take them. This is common sense, and remember, emotion's job is to poop on common sense. The feel-gooders emotions say, "oh, we cant euthanize this old dog simply to save more young dogs." So they go no-kill, save dogs that very few people want, and all the adoptable, young dogs are pushed into the kill shelters and euthanized because of space issues. If you save an 8 year old dog for example, in the time it takes to place that 1 dog, chances are you could have adopted 10 dogs under a year old. Why is that called "no-kill"?
So while these people can go home and feel good because they physically are part of a no-kill operation, in reality, more animals are being euthanized because they cant imagine making decisions based on anything other than their own selfish emotions. I wont say they are making the problem worse, its certainly not their fault all these animals are being given up, but the problem of this country having too many animals is not going to get any better with this type of logic. And the losers who dump their animals at shelters are not learning any lessons if they can justify their decision by taking their unwanted dogs and cats to "no-kill shelters".

"Oh, 'ole Fido will be okay... he may be 8 years old and have arthritis, but we took him to a no-kill shelter and they will find him a good home... even if it takes a year and a half"

True, Fido will be ok, but 20 other highly adoptable dogs will be euthanized elsewhere...

peace nick

Monday, November 22, 2004

how did you get these?

Ah ha! I've solved the blogging problem of picture posting... really I stole the idea from someone else...
Anyways, Ive created a seperate blog for pictures blah blah blah

how did you get these?

And the plain blog rolls on...

peace nick

Andy is live!

See Andy here!

peace nick

Saturday, November 20, 2004


This car is a 2003 Volkswagen Jetta. I have a car just like it. In fact, mine is even the same color... looks just like this one. Only, probably unlike this one, mine has a stripped oil drain bolt. I guess if there is a positive side to the fact that I have a stripped oil drain bolt, it is that at least it doesn't prevent me from shifting my car out of park.

Now I realize that this was caused by human error, and I'm somewhat hopeful the idiots responsible for this will fix it..... but c'mon now... what next? I have the worst luck with vehicles. I am officially being punished. With just this beautiful 2003 Jetta, purchased around Christmas of 2002.... I've had a flat tire, I'm on my second windhshield (which is cracked), the stereo cuts out, the AM radio works whenever it wants, sometimes the car doesn't shift out of park and now... yes... stripped oil drain bolt.

Did I ever tell any of you about the time my car wouldn't shift out of park?

True story - one time I was driving home from work on the highway and because one of the lobes on my camshaft was so warped (unbeknownst to me at the time) one of the cylinders stopped firing. I realize that's a little technical... basically in my 4 cylinder car... only 3 were working. I know what you're wondering... what exactly happens when you only have 3 out of 4 cylinders working properly? Well, what happens is, you can't come to a complete stop without the car dying, and who knows if it will ever start again? Not only that, but, you can't drive much faster than, oh... about 45mph. I'll just say this makes both highway and city driving incredibly difficult.

Im not sure if there is a car God out there somewhere, but if there is, I'm apparently not in good graces. I'm thinking I should get a job in my own city before something really bad happens... like maybe my tire will just fly off, or my heater will start the seat on fire or something...

Go Badgers!

peace nick

Friday, November 19, 2004

Just slighty stoopid

I realize its been a while since Ive plugged, well, anything. So, with that, I want to plug a band that I really like and I don't think is very well known. Slightly Stoopid is out of California and almost sound like a Sublime off-shoot. Indeed, if I have my facts correct, they were founded by the late leader of Sublime, Brad Nowell.
I haven't listened to many of their other cds, other than their live radio album - Acoustic Roots. If you like acoustic guitar, this is definately the album for you. A really unique mixture of acoustic guitar and reggae. And trust me, these guys rock on acoustics....
Like I said, I haven't listened to a lot of their other stuff, but from what I have heard, it is quite Sublime-esque... if that makes sense. Just go to the website, download a couple of songs, and then go buy the cds... I can't do it all for you...

peace nick

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Look, Im NUDE!

It appears that nude someone was searching nude on a blog nude search engine, and because nude one of my recent nude posts mentioned the potential nude flight attendant calendars nude that may hit nude stands soon, they found my nude site. How nude exciting! It looks like a nude good way to increase nude traffic is just mention the nude word nude alot.

nude nude nude nude nude nude nude nude

nude nude... oh, enough already.

What I dont get is why someone would search a blog search engine for nude... What the hell are they hoping to find??? I guess the endless amounts of porn on the regular web just isnt good enough any more. Maybe there is some good blog porn out there, just sitting, untapped.
I wonder what other things people are searching blogs for... Maybe a few well placed Britney Spears nude or nude Bush Twins references would generate some healthy traffic...

Its worth a shot I guess. For all three of you who come here in hopes Ive had some major breakthough in my creative writing skills, I apologize in advance. For those looking for the word nude.... lets get it on!!

peace nick

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Mish mash I was taking a bath

A mish mash of thoughts today:

There is a girl in our city who is on her way to becoming only the 4th person to survive human rabies. Miracles are common in our city. So give a good thought.

Unfortunately our city officials have no good thoughts and are now looking into charging residents for resurfacing our streets. I thought I already paid taxes, but whatever...

And we slaughter sheep inside the city limits now?

Looks like the unions are about to strike again, and they're bringing the flight attendants with them. Be on the lookout for nude flight attendant calendars next year... Thats ok with me, I hate flying, but Im neutral on nude calendars...

Condi is a good choice for Secretary of State, but man, is she bugly or what? Is it too much to ask to have decent looking politicians?

Friday the foster dog gets neutered. Friday is also his 1st birthday.... BWAHAHAHAHAHA IM EVIL!!! Happy Birthday Andy.... CHOP!!!!

Christmas present buying is the last strong hold out in my bid to eradicate myself of procrastination. Hey, I need at least one New Years resolution.

Tonight is a school night. 4 more classes to go. 4 more 6 packs of beer.

Its 1 o'clock, and Im going back to work.

peace nick