
This car is a 2003 Volkswagen Jetta. I have a car just like it. In fact, mine is even the same color... looks just like this one. Only, probably unlike this one, mine has a stripped oil drain bolt. I guess if there is a positive side to the fact that I have a stripped oil drain bolt, it is that at least it doesn't prevent me from shifting my car out of park.
Now I realize that this was caused by human error, and I'm somewhat hopeful the idiots responsible for this will fix it..... but c'mon now... what next? I have the worst luck with vehicles. I am officially being punished. With just this beautiful 2003 Jetta, purchased around Christmas of 2002.... I've had a flat tire, I'm on my second windhshield (which is cracked), the stereo cuts out, the AM radio works whenever it wants, sometimes the car doesn't shift out of park and now... yes... stripped oil drain bolt.
Did I ever tell any of you about the time my car wouldn't shift out of park?
True story - one time I was driving home from work on the highway and because one of the lobes on my camshaft was so warped (unbeknownst to me at the time) one of the cylinders stopped firing. I realize that's a little technical... basically in my 4 cylinder car... only 3 were working. I know what you're wondering... what exactly happens when you only have 3 out of 4 cylinders working properly? Well, what happens is, you can't come to a complete stop without the car dying, and who knows if it will ever start again? Not only that, but, you can't drive much faster than, oh... about 45mph. I'll just say this makes both highway and city driving incredibly difficult.
Im not sure if there is a car God out there somewhere, but if there is, I'm apparently not in good graces. I'm thinking I should get a job in my own city before something really bad happens... like maybe my tire will just fly off, or my heater will start the seat on fire or something...
Go Badgers!
peace nick
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