Monday, May 21, 2007

blah blah Monday

I don't really have much coherent thought going on today, so I think we'll do one of those posts where I go in 15 different directions. Let's roll.

* I actually went to church this weekend. Ok, it's not like I went on my own, but I went for a couple of baptisms and first communions and what not. I have to admit that I'm not sold on all these rituals of the church. They seem pretty pointless to me. And the only thing the priest talked about was how the church is like a winning football team. Let's just say that I didn't leave feeling any different or with the desire to find Christ. I'm lost on the motivation to believe...

* I played poker until 10:30 last night which was not the best idea. But I was up $40, so I kind of had an obligation to ride it thru to the end. We were playing H.O.R.S.E. which is basically five different kinds of poker. It's fun to get away from no limit Texas Hold 'Em, which is what you usually see played on tv. What percentage of my reading audience do you think understands any of the things I post about poker? Probably zero...

* If I could have one super power, it would be the ability to ask certain questions and everyone would have to answer and they would have to tell the truth. I would love to ask why all of you read this blog. But one, I don't think most of you would answer. And two, I don't think everyone would tell the truth. It would be an interesting question to ask, I just don't believe it would do much good to ask it.

* The hot wife and I have talked quite a bit about whether we want to have another child. We've come to the conclusion that while we don't want to take steps that would rule it out completely, if we had to choose right now, we wouldn’t want another one. You'd be amazed at how many people don't like that decision. If one more person tells me my only child is going to be spoiled, I'm going to punch them in the side of the face.

* Leaving open the possibility that we might have another kid is, while somewhat scary, kind of exciting at the same time. I think it would make the difficult times of parenting so much more difficult... but the fun times of parenting... you get the idea. I would want a girl though. If it was another boy, I think I would assume a fetal position and cry.

* blah blah blah, happy Monday.


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