Tuesday, May 08, 2007

We're a folk singing group from Salt Lake City...

Hearing that our 10 year high school reunion is coming up makes me want to barf all over myself. Not because I didn't like high school, I loved it actually. I would do it over again if I could. Of course, I skipped a lot of it, and when I did go I sold a lot of drugs in class and went in high all the time. But I had a lot of friends from all different groups of people, and they were all in the same place at the same time. I had friends that were skinheads, punks, wanna-be gangsters, dorks, motor heads, jocks, preps... I tried to be cool with everyone I met in high school. I guess a lot of that had to do with the fact that I was high a lot... but either way.

So it's not that I didn't like high school and wouldn't want to see a lot of those people. It's just that, well... holy shit it's been 10 years?!?!?! And I'm still going to school for my bachelor's? And I sit in an office cubicle all day, for the most part? And I still fucking live here? And I have a 6 month old boy and two dying dogs and a picket (not really) fucking fence?

Good lord. This is what I've become. Don't get me wrong, I love my life and my wife and my kid and my two dying dogs. But it doesn't exactly make for a story that anyone else wants to hear. I can't go in there with that. People will be making excuses left and right to get away from me!

The hot wife and I were discussing this last night and we've come up with some options to, er, spice things up a bit... You know, make us a little more interesting. Let me know what you think:

1. I dress up like a pimp and the hot wife comes as my ho. I've always wanted to wear a long purple, furry coat, so this is my favorite option.

2. "Hi, yeah, we're porno stars. Here's our card." The hot wife had a great name for our company, but it escapes me... Wait, what do we need business cards for if we're porn stars? Oh well, it fits nicely I think.

3. We sit in the corner and make out all night. This is really the option if we can't come up with alternative personalities. It would be hilarious to watch everyone's reaction...

4. "Hey! Long time no... oh wait... I'm being beeped... yeah, we're doctors...." Do people even use beepers anymore?

5. "We're a folk singing group from Salt Lake City."


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