Monday, October 30, 2006

I'm not breaking up with you... yet...

* I know it's been quite some time since I posted. Don't think that I don't know. It's not because I've been busy either. I haven't. It's just that, well, I don't like this blog anymore. Or rather, I don't like blogging in general anymore. I don't know why my attitude towards blogging is so negative lately. Maybe it's because I haven't had anything exciting happen to me lately worth telling anyone about, or maybe because my traffic consists of the same three people who likely only come here out of some weird internet induced obligation, or maybe because... oh, what good does it do...

* I did have a post last week asking for help raising money for Juvenile Diabetes. I'm hoping to play one or more poker tournaments where the money is all for Juvenile Diabetes, except that there is a chance to go to some bigger tournaments where I could get rich if I win. I doubt any of you would care to donate or help publicize it, so I took the post down after like five minutes. Plus I hate asking for money. I know, playing poker for charity, don't go too crazy helping the needy...

* Can't you just feel the negativity? Don't worry, I'm happy with everything else in my life. It's only this blog that brings me down.

* Speaking of being happy with everything else, I know some of you are following our quest to procreate. Maybe all three of you are, I don't know. But should you care, it could be any day or even minute. The doctor said last Thursday he could very well come before this Thursday. Which of course, being the incredibly impatient couple we are, piqued our hopes for this weekend, but alas, t'was not meant to be. The hot wife is hoping for a Halloween birth, because, how cool would those birthday parties be? My money is still on 11/4, although I really like the official due date of 11/11. If he comes early, any date is fine with me.

* Speaking of halloween, trick or treating sucked this year. Besides for my nephews plundering all of our costumes last minute, we had a total of about five kids come by the house. And two of them weren't even dressed up as anything. I think mostly because we live in the "non-affluent" part of town. Most kids, being smart these days, and carted around by their lazy ass parents in cars, head to the more "affluent" parts of Anytown, Wisconsin. Now we're stuck with all the shitty candy, being that we ate all the good stuff pre-Halloween.

* We went to a reception this weekend and in speaking with someone from out of town, she went on and on about how the development that she lived in was such an "affluent" area. Beautiful, just beautiful, with golf courses, and gracious living, and wonderful landscaping. It took everything for me not to mention how we live in such a "non-affluent" area, or so according to our local newspaper. A place where kids won't even go trick or treating. Where outside of our yard, we can't guarantee you won't be stabbed, or if you buy a pound of weed, you better pay for it, or expect to be robbed at gun point... And our recent attempt at landscaping only two thirds survived. That's how bad it is where we live.

* I think if anything, I'm ready to have this baby so people stop telling me how it's going to be. "Oh, you're not going to get any sleep" or "Your life is going to change" and "blah blah blah". Do people revel in telling other people how miserable their life is going to be when they have kids? Does it make them feel better? "Really? My life will never be the same, I can forget about sleeping and sex, and eating, and all my clothes will have puke on them and my walls will be covered with crayon and snot, and my kid's going to wake up in the middle of the night and barf all over the new carpet some day? Please tell me more!!!"

* And then they always say, "Oh, but kids are so wonderful and cute and they just make you laugh and smile and all you want to do is hug them and hold them". And to myself I just wish he was already here so I could hold him up by the ear and say, "Really? This one must be fuckin' defective then..."


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