Sunday, January 15, 2006

Dawn's post

Ever since Dawn said I could guest blog for her this week I have been thinking of what to write about. I don't know how many of you have ever read my blog, probably not many. I write about things like drinking, and about trying to conceive a child... what do I have that could probably relate to her audience? The truth is, I have nothing. So I will have to pretend instead. I will have to put myself in Dawn's shoes. I will be Dawn... for just one day. It will be fun I think.

crack of dawn (sometime before 6am) - wake up while husband getting dressed to go to work

crack of dawn + 1 minute - curse husband, go back to sleep

6:15am - wake up to Tiny Mad Woman decorating walls with magic marker

6:16am - take aspirin

6:17am - wrestle marker away, turn on tv for kids, return to bed

6:19am - get up, drink chai

6:21am - check Nick's blog, nothing new yet

6:30am - shower

6:43am - still showering

6:58am - emerge from shower to Tiny Mad Woman coloring bathroom walls with marker

7:02am - take aspirin

7:19am - wrestle marker away, sit kids in front of tv, return to bathroom

8:22am - finish "getting ready"

8:25am - check Nick's blog, nothing new yet, read archives again

8:45am - check other, not so good blogs...

9:17am - get kids dressed

10:45am - leave for grocery store

11:38am - return from store after spending $237 on groceries

11:58am - make kids mac and cheese for lunch

12:00pm - watch Days of Our Lives

12:01pm - wrestle marker away from Tiny Mad Woman

12:03pm - take aspirin

12:05pm - crack, drink first beer

12:11pm - check Nick's blog, read new post, LOL, leave nice comment

12:30pm - go to first play date

12:31pm - take aspirin

1:15pm - return from play date, take aspirin

1:17pm - second beer (hiccup)

1:45 - third beer, take aspirin

2:00 - second play date

2:35 - return from second play date

2:38pm - put kids down for nap, forth, 5th beer, asprin, Nyquil, valum, 6sixth beer

2:48pm - first box of wyne

3:11pm - write bleg post about prose of drinkin box wine

3:30pm - witch, curss Dr. Phil... he think he smart... whats he know?

3:36pm - more box of wine, sevnth beer

3:38pm - cll husand, tell him ta bnrig =hme more beeeeeeer

4:00pm - Oprah... I lve OprAh

4:01pm - grab box of tissues, watch more Oprah

4:02pm - pass out

6:22pm - wake to husband, Tiny Mad Woman & Mine Einstein singing

6:38pm - take aspirin

7:11pm - make mac and cheese for dinner

8:00pm - watch Survivor

8:06pm - fall asleep

That was a hard day... except for the drinking. Overall, I think I'd be much better off at work...

peace nick


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