Friday, January 06, 2006

This sex stuff is hard work...

As a lot of my regular readers know, for the past few weeks the hot wife and I have been trying to conceive a child. It's been a lot of fun, and I've learned a lot lately, but admittedly, it's been harder than I thought it would be. The hardest part is getting the timing down. Are you ovulating, are you not ovulating, you got take your temperature, and follow some sun chart, and pray to the Greek Goddess Ovulus… you name it. We haven't started in on the spoonful of peanut butter, but it may get there soon...

Well, this go around, we just said to hell with all of that... we're going with the Saturation Method. Which I know, sounds like great stuff... until you are in the middle of it. It's hard f-ing work! My boys haven't worked this hard since I was 18, and being the young, horny kids we were, we had sex like four times a day. It was great back then, because after 17 years of getting nothing but my hand (yes I DID start as a newborn), I had lots of inventory stored away. But when you are with a women, you get into a rhythm and production is a little easier to forecast. It's not that easy to just ramp up production for two, three times a day. I'm old…

And with that, a poem from the field:

We've been working hard, since
last week, New Year's Day night
Now another weekend is upon us
the end is now in sight

We're not going to lie to you
it hasn't exactly been easy
We've lost some boys along the way
which makes the newbies queasy

But with a little beer (ok a lot)
and some brand new porn movies
We should be ready to go
for all our opportunities

Now I know our poems suck
we'll leave you with this ditty
If we have to come back next month
that would be pretty shitty

Please God let us find that fricken thing
so our Master can get some rest
And we can see something else for once
like a cheek, or even a breast

Nice fellas... nice...

peace nick


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