Tuesday, January 10, 2006

When the sun is shining...

My apologies for the morbid post yesterday, I was kind of bummed and really didn't feel like explaining much. Essentially, one of the dogs that the hot wife and I fostered last year is going to be put to sleep soon. I liked that little shit, but you know, it happens. If you were with us for the old blog, which most of you probably weren't, you may remember some of the Andy stories.

But it kind of made me think back about my former life in dogs and doing dog rescue, and all the dogs that we have taken care of over the past 7 or so years. There are lots of things we wouldn't have experienced if it were not for my sometimes insane fascination of dogs. Like...

I never would have experienced protesting in front of a pet store (dog people are anti-pet store… go figure).

We would have never gotten so lost that we ended up driving thru the Chicago O'Hare airport parking lot on our way to Iowa

Or smoked a joint on some empty street in Chicago overlooking Lake Michigan, and then walked downtown to Timothy O'Toole's for some of the best damn quesadillas to ever grace the planet.

We wouldn't have flown to Florida. That trip was great, aside from not being able to hear the whole trip because I flew with a nasty head cold, and my ear drums almost burst from the pressure. Of course Amy got sick too, so we were both miserable. But we did make it to the beach, where I really underestimated what two hours of sun with no sun screen would do (hey, we don't have a sun in Wisconsin…). And the only thing that saved us from getting jacked when we got lost on Dr. King Drive in Tampa was the fact that our rental car was a f-ing purple Kia Rio…

It sucks having to deal with dogs being put to sleep, and that's really the main reason that I've distanced myself from dog clubs and dog rescues lately. But I'm glad they led us on some great adventures in life. I guess you just have to take the bad with the good sometimes.

Life... it's a mother fucker...

peace nick


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