Thursday, February 08, 2007

The world is my lesbian wedding...

* Ah, back to the grind today. Unfortunately sick boy has now gotten dad sick, and dad doesn't feel like burning more vacation in February, so he's stuck at work.

* I have this uncanny knack for picking up on little snippets from TV shows and commercials, which is how I got my blog name in the first place. It was some TV commercial and there were these kids saying the weirdest things. One kid says "i think washing your hands is stupid..." and I knew I had to have it. Well, the other night we were watching Friends (there was nothing else on) and Chandler and Joey were talking. Joey says something about a lesbian wedding, and Chandler says: "the world is my lesbian wedding." That's a great quote. Besides being funny, it is so true for a married man like myself. Since I will only have sex with one woman the rest of my life (the hot wife), the rest of ya'll might as well be lesbians. Do I come up with the best ideas, or what?

* Let's do another artsy product. This one being not so artsy, but, maybe, thought provoking. It's basically a grill that sits on a railing (probably not wood), intended for apartment users apparently. But, it kind of makes you think. These days they make grills so damn big, and they all pretty much look the same. You either have the round looking Weber that uses charcoal, or the bigger stainless steel muthas that use gas. I think they could expand the grill offerings and have some success. Anywho. The designer is Henrik Drecker. His website doesn't seem to work, but I found this at Designboom.



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