Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Einstein ain't got shit on us...

Well kiddies, I have to say that I was quite offended this morning. I'm doing the usual browsing this morning as I'm drinking my cappuccino and I come across a meme that Dawn did. And yadda yadda yadda, she slams the hot wife and I, insinuating that the only interesting topic we could possibly talk to someone else about is dogs.

Wait. Is dogs? Are dogs? How does on transition from singular to plural? Ah, I f'ing hated English...

Anywho. I was stunned. The hot wife and I are way more intellectual than that. If you think we couldn’t sit at your dinner table and drop bombs on your ass like Einstein's field equation relating to the space/time contiuum, you better think again. The hot wife will be all like:

"A dimension does not need to be detected to exist. If we had no memory of the interval we label as 'time,' our existence in space/time would still occur."

And then she'll bust into some crazy time travel shit like this:

"If time travel is possible, shouldn't a time machine already exist?

The idea is that once the problems are worked out and a means/mechanism/machine/modus for time transport is devised, said machine should then exist for all time. Putting it another way, if someone calculates the level of improbability of such a machine, feeds this calculation into a computer connected to a nice cup of really hot tea and turns it on, the time machine is simply called into existence (as was the infinite improbability drive in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams). Well, there is a problem with this. We can perceive only X, Y, Z, and T (where T is apparently a linear straight line). Whereas, the time travel means/mechanism/machine/modus would exist at Tx, Ty, Tz, X, Y, Z. We can not directly perceive that machine, just the same as a two-dimensional being cannot directly perceive a three-dimensional object. The machine could already exist."

Having enough of that, I would then be happy to discuss the study of bioethics and how it relates to the moral foundation of a vegetarian diet. Moreover, whether a vegetarian diet really does cause the "least harm" to animals. In fact, I could explain, no it doesn't and that a pasture-forage production, with herbivores harvesting the forage, would cause the "least harm". This would result in the death of approximately (calculating the math easily in my head)... 300 million fewer animals annually than the total vegan model.

Don't try to play the hot wife and I like fools if you ever have us over for dinner. We can rap with the best of ya'll even after we drink all your wine. And then we'll have sex in your bathroom. That's a promise.



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