Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Oh Canada!

I know I've mentioned this before, but I always get these emails with job opportunities. At some point in time I got on the contractor mailing list... probably when I was a contractor. I'm not looking for a new job, or to move, but it's always fun to think of what it would be like to take that job and move somewhere else.

The hot wife won't admit it, but she has effectively put the kabash on moving from the holyland boringness that is East Central Wisconsin. She's just way more attached to family than I could ever possibly be. If I was single I'm convinced I would be gone in a heartbeat. I could easily make a nice living travelling from city to city working short contract jobs.

However, I love the hot wife too much to move away from her. So I stay.

But this job I saw today was for Western Canada, and while I've never been out that way, I've heard it's beautiful. And then I thought, hey, there would be a lot of positives to living in Canada. For both us and Canada. Let's break it down.

* Have you ever seen the loser men in Canada? Clearly they are in need of some DILF action. That's where I come in ladies... Or is it laid...ies? Yeah, you know what I'm talkin' 'bout.

* Holy hockey.

* They have much bigger deer. I think they call them Moose.

* Better beer. Moosehead, Labatts... others... which I can't think of right now...

* No longer would we live in the most hated nation in the world.

* Doesn't Edmonton have the biggest mall in the world? (a little somethin' for the hot wife)

* Ya know, they speak the same language eh.

* The $4 in my wallet is worth $4.49 in Canada.

* That much closer to two of my fav bloggers AJ and Selina.




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