Saturday, January 28, 2006

Uh... a six pack of beer...

We didn't get to see Mason Jennings last night, the concert is really next week. Apparently I can't read a calendar very well... But we didn't realize he wasn't playing until we were already in our front row seats. By then we're just thinking, ok, we'll listen to the first few songs of whomever is playing, and if it sucks, we'll just get up and leave.

Well, it wasn't a musician. It was a comedian. Robbie Printz. At first I was thinking, oh shit, maybe we should just take off, he's probably going to suck... But if you've ever been to a comedian's show, you know you don't leave once they've started. Chances are that you will become the routine at that point. That's almost a guarantee.

But the guy was pretty funny. He's been on Comedy Central, MTV, yadda yadda yadda. So it wasn't too bad. And it was only $4 to get in.

It was kind of akward because we became part of the show almost right away. He starts talking about picking up women, and he's scanning the front row for someone to pick on. Well, we wanted kick ass seats to Mason Jennings, so we got in early and got in the front row. So he picks on some other kid (and they were all fricken kids...) for a while, asks how he picks up chicks, yadda yadda yadda...

And then he calls on us. "You two. You a couple?"

Hmmm... do the wedding rings give it away? Or the fact that we are the oldest fricken people in the joint?

"Uh, yeah"

Thinking. Sweating. Cringing.

"How'd you pick her up?"

Oh shit. Now I have two options. I can come up with some smart ass quick line, which I'm actually pretty good at. I'm witty. Or I can tell the truth,which is a long, drawn out, somewhat cheesy story, and surely become this guy's bitch the rest of the night. But I don't want to say something stupid, and have the hot wife kick me in the shins under the table, or worse yet, burn me back.

"Uh... a six pack of beer..."

That's not how I picked her up, but it was the only thing I could think of. Beer. I wanted one, and they weren't serving any, you know, this being a college campus and all... For heaven's sakes, they should have had fricken keg stand stations...

The hot wife took it pretty well, and the comedian did get a shot back at me by suggesting that it should have taken at least that for her to get with me. Not bad.

I'm really such an idiot. A six pack of beer? I dunno... I was on the spot, what the hell was I supposed to do?

Oh well. Next weekend, the Mason Jennings concert dammit.

peace nick


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