Tuesday, September 26, 2006

We're gonna have a TV Party tonight. Alright!

Well. I had no idea the 80s TV party would catch on like it has. I'll have to attribute that to some well placed advertising. It's been fun reading what others have come up with so far, and I've even found some new blogs to read. Fun.

And so, to my post. Born in 1979, I was a young 80s child, but an 80s child nonetheless. Unfortunately that means I didn't get to grow up with things like cell phones or cool video games or the internet. The internet. Good lord, could you imagine living without the internet? Well, I couldn't imagine living with it as a kid.

Let me tell you something about me as a kid. I grew up with two older sisters. And a neighborhood full of girls. I rarely hung out with boys, most of my friends were girls. Naturally this made me an extremely curious little boy. Up until I was five years old, my hands were pretty much constantly in my pants. They probably would still be, but it's not all that socially acceptable these days. The 80s were different man...

Anyways, without the internet, where a five year old boy can now just log on and get his daily fill of boobies and girls making out and whatever, I was forced to get my ideas and thoughts from tv. In other words, I would watch tv just to see the cute girls, even if the show was awful. And most were. So, my 80s TV Party post is dedicated to the top 10 cute 80s girls that helped keep my hands in pants.

1. Not a well known character, from really one of the truly worst shows ever to be shown on tv, Amy Hathaway who played Shelby in My Two Dads. She was the main characters friend in the show, but that chick was bugly. Shelby on the other hand helped put me to bed many a night.

2. This next girl kept me up at night. As a young boy, she was everything I wanted, and everything I obviously couldn't have. Yeah... Nicole Eggert who played Jaime in Charles in Charge.

3. A favorite I'm sure of most young boys in the 80s. Alyssa Milano who played Samantha in Who's the Boss. I'll show you who's the boss...

4. I always had a thing for slightly older girls as a kid... who didn't? But Punky Brewster was just so cute. And fun too! I think we would have gotten along just great... Soleil Moon Frye who played Punky Brewster in Punky Brewster.

5. This one's a no brainer. If you didn't think Daisy Duke was holy mutha f'ing hot, you were gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that... Catherine Bachman who played Daisy in Dukes of Hazard.

6. Yeah, she was dumb, which even as a kid was a turn off for me. But even Jack Ritter was no dumb ass. He knew what was up. Suzanne Somers who played Chrissy in Three's Company.

7. Another not so well known character, but much hotter than the main female character... Chelsea Noble who played Kate in Growing Pains. Hey, Kirk Cameron apparently thought she was hot enough to marry. What do want from me?

8. I would have had to kill her whole family if we ever got together, but it could have been done. Justine Bateman who played Mallory in Family Ties. She had kind of the older sister appeal going on there.

9. There was a furry little funny thing on this show? Hmm. Weird. Andrea Elson who played Lynn in ALF.

10. The last girl in the top 10 80s girls who helped keep my hands in my pants is not a girl who was my style. She drove motorcycles, beat people up and was actually kind of a bitch. But I don't know... something about her worked for me. Or maybe there was just nothing else on tv... Nancy McKeon who played Jo in The Facts of Life.

There you have it folks. I'll be in the bathroom if you need me...




Blogger Unknown said...

Solid list.

2:50 AM  

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