Friday, August 26, 2005

F'd Up Friday - a fan favorite

Well children, today is Friday, and that means it's time for F'd Up Friday. That's where members of the reading audience get to submit questions or comments, and we'll post and take care of them here.

To play along, the email address is You email, I donate $1 to MidAmerica Rottweiler Rescue in honor of a rescue dog we used to have named Arri. When/if it hits $25, I'll send a donation and post the receipt. We're at, uh... $5 now. That should get some poor dog a nice leash...

Today's email comes from long time reader and supporter, Sandi. She writes:

Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 06:17:57 -0700
From: "Sandi"
To: "Nick"
Subject: Finally got around to it.

I have to help the puppies!

So here is the question, and it has nothing to do with relationships: What sports do you watch, and who are your favorite teams?

Also as a little side thought, how's the biz plan going?

Thanks for the email Sandi. As far as sports go, I really only watch football these days. I used to play a lot of sports, hockey for nine years, football for a couple, baseball, soccer when I was a kid.

I grew up in the middle of hockey country, my neighbors were die-hard hockey players. I think one is even still playing over in Germany in some semi-pro league. Unfortunately when I got to high school, going out and getting liquored and drugged up became a little more important than playing sports.

I'm really a fair weather fan for sports other than football. I watched a lot of Milwaukee Bucks basketball when they were half way decent. Never really caught on to watching and following baseball or hockey though.

But football... Football is the perfect sport for people like me who just want to party and get drunk, but can't sit still too long. I think I have AADD or something. The season is relatively short, the action is virtually constant and while there is no fighting allowed like hockey, there is a fair amount of players getting their snot rocked. Which rocks.

As far as favorite teams, of course, I'm a Packers fan.

You also asked about the business. Nothing new to report lately other than we still don't have any money. We're spending what we do have to work on our house (roofing and painting it) in hopes we can gain some collateral, although it likely won't get us a business in the near future.

And we're currently waiting for one of our sweet hook ups to get his ass out of jail. I know, that sounds bad... it's a long story.

Well kiddies, thanks for stopping by, and remember to get those emails in for next week.

peace nick


Blogger Sandi said...

I tolerate American football. I prefer Rugby and Aussie rule football. I also love Hockey, but sports wise that is about it. Well unless you count boxing/kick boxing, you know the physically bloody sports.
The biz will happen, you have enough drive for it. Lenders will loosen up when we are able to get rid of the dumbasses at the top controling interest rates and economy.

8:49 PM  
Blogger Nick said...

Ah Sandi, always one to knock the Bush administration :)

Dawn - thx. Maybe you don't like football because you've never seen what Packer football does to people :) Gets a bit crazy...

10:09 AM  

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