Thursday, August 09, 2007

Is that a cd in your mp3 player, or...

Here's a groovy idea from designer Yong-Seong Kim. It's an .mp3 player. No, it's a cd player. Eh, it's both?

Not sure why exactly you would want to play cds when you have a collection of .mp3s, but in case you did... here's the solution. Cds really just bother me. With the technology to put millions of songs on computer chips you can't even see with the naked eye, why in the hell should I carry around a big plastic disc that can fit 25-30 songs max.?

In other news, are we actually arguing about whether this guy killed someone??? Whether he did or didn't wouldn't you want to convict him if you were on the jury? We should not be subjected to shit like this... Phil. Phil Phil Phil... what are you thinking? You're on trial for murder! Wake up, it's not 1976 anymore!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually. . .being able to hook up your mp3 directly to a cd would be helpful for putting songs on your mp3 from cds with minimal effort. I mean we are still in the process of converting aren't we?

And. . .wow. . .that's quite a hairdo.

6:27 AM  
Blogger Nick said...

That would be a good use for it. There really isn't a very good way of doing that, is there? Most of the songs on my mp3 player are actually downloaded from the internet. I have a few cds converted, but it's so time consuming. Who has 18 hours to sit at a computer and load cds?

3:17 PM  

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