Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I'm seeing red...

Every once in a while I will get into these kicks where I really want to know about something. So I will spend a few days researching it. And then I will forget about it.

One time I spent a week or so learning about the life of Moses so I could argue that he did not split the Red Sea. Duh, you dumbasses, he walked around the top of it. Where the Suez Canal now is.

Lately I have been doing some reading on North Korea. Don't ask me why. I'm weird like that. It's pretty interesting, because seeing pictures of North Korea is like peering into space for the first time. It's so foreign.

One thing that bugs me about North Korea is when people say it's communist. It's most definately not. If anything, it's facist. All the power in the hands of the state. Communism does not mean state run and it certainly does not afford power to one specific group. Communism has never existed, and will never exist, so don't call countries communist.

Anywho, should any of you actually be interested in reading or even just looking at pictures about North Korea (the pictures are very, very interesting), here are some links I've found:

My Travels to Pyongyang and North Korea
Wandering Camera
The Initiative to Build Educational Links with North Korea

I doubt I would go there because I wouldn't feel too safe in a country that we are basically still at war with, but should you feel crazy enough, you can visit through Koryo Tours.

That's all.



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