Monday, April 25, 2005

You're actually grossing the bartender out...

One of the great things about being in a relationship with a great girl is that I never have to worry about my girlfriend and/or wife being a bartender. I always said that I would never allow the person I was with to be a bartender.

It's not that I am a jealous person... wait, yes I am...

This weekend we went out to a bar that just recently opened for a couple drinks and a pizza. We didn't even make it past the second drink, much less to the pizza.

We were in a group of five people, three girls and two guys. The bar was packed with some of Wisconsin's finest rednecks.... wall to wall. To the left us sat three men. Probably in their 40s, balding, overweight... you know the type...

Serving as bartenders were two girls. In their low 20s, one dressed half way decent, the other dressed like a slut.

Hey, I call 'em like I see 'em...

What took place over the hour or so as we sat there was exactly the reason I would not be with anyone who is a bartender. These three schmucks could barely keep the drool between their lips and their beer glass...

Now, I am a guy... I have been to bars with guys... I know what is going on here... A guy, or group of guys, see a girl who is hardly covering what should be covered, and of course they can't keep their eyes off. And they make all sorts of rude comments, and their tips are directly related to how much the bartenders act like sluts as they parade around behind the bar... and of course the old, fat, scary men make this well known...

Fine. It is what it is. I'm not saying it's right, but... it is what it is...

What made these guys look so stupid is that there is no way in hell either of these girls would give any of these guys the time of day. They were probably old enough to be their dads. And they were fat. And bald. And gross.

It's one thing to catch a peek here and there as the slutty bartender makes the rounds... It's a whole different, and sad, story to hang over the bar like slob and tell the bartender you will give her better tips if she starts taking off some clothing. Especially when, like I said, you are fat, bald, twice the girl's age, and just generally fricken gross...

Do you slobs not look in the mirror before you leave, and maybe even consider what type of girl you might actually have a chance in hell of picking up? Maybe try asking your wife... she should be able to help you out...

Or maybe I can help. If you are over 35, you're not picking the bartender up. If you are under 6', and over, say, 220... no chance bucko... If you are a jerk to the bartender, you are not getting anything.

Not that I have anything against old, over-weight, bald men, or that a lot of women do either... But lay off the 23 year old bartenders... you're grossing them out...

peace nick


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