Sunday, October 12, 2008

Spongebob Squarepants leads to child abuse...

As you probably know, I love Spongebob Squarepants. Who cares about hot child, he watches it because it's all I will allow on the tv. Anyways, to make a long story short, being the music fan I am, I was looking for Spongebob songs on youtube. In particular I was looking for the song Gary Come Home. It's a classic. Observe:

But, soon after I found that, I discovered something so heinous. So. Fucking. Wrong.

Now, don't get me wrong. I would never pick on a kid. His parents on the other hand deserve some serious jail time. For one, if there was some backround music at least, maybe your kid's voice wouldn't sound like a bad car accident. And actually the foot stomping and finger waving don't help. But besides that, who the fuck dressed this kid? Uh... you're going to be on YOUTUBE! Singing! And not very well I might add. The least you could do is, oh I don't know... wear matching clothes?!

Poor, poor kid. Don't worry bud, it's not your fault your parents are assholes.

Sad. So so sad.


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