Saturday, July 26, 2008

Is this going to be a problem?

Whenever I tell people that I don’t really care to fly, they’re always shocked. “Oh, it’s so much safer than driving” they say. Yeah, well, my car doesn’t just fall apart for no reason while I’m going down the highway. Actually, I take that back. The driver side window does have a tendency to come off the track and fall into the door. While driving down the highway. In -30 degree weather. 30 miles from home.

They say that when this “airplane” fell apart in mid-flight, it lost cabin pressure and had to descend 20,000 feet so the passengers could breathe without oxygen masks. The normal descent in an airplane is enough for me to want to barf. Could you imagine having to do it fast enough so that the passengers can breathe??? I barfed just writing that.

Is the descent in an airplane not the worst part of the flight? At that point the airplane is making noises and movements that you get the feeling something flying in the air probably shouldn’t be making. There’s metal pieces moving around trying to slow the plane down, the pilot’s throwing in some hard banks to get into position and then there are weird vibrating noises that you’re not sure you’re even hearing because your head feels like it’s going to explode from the pressure. And then, of course, you have to land this huge plane on three little wheels.

I’m sure at one point man looked to nature to figure out how it could travel faster. So some dude sees a bird, and says, “hey, why don’t we just fly?” Well, maybe it’s time we realize that dude was a douche bag. There’s a reason that birds aren’t made of metal and don’t carry hundreds of people.

It’s so they don’t fall apart.

