Wednesday, March 05, 2008

What's DILF mean?

So I was thinking, as I sometimes do, wouldn't it be great if I still had access to my old blog posts from my DILF blog? Well, turns out I do! And now you do too! It's a lot of old stuff, you know, from when I was a younger man... but some of it's fun reading if you're ever bored.

The bots will never take this one alive!!!

btw - does anyone care about politics? Want to hear my take? Tough. Wait, ok, here it is. I hate McCain and I wouldn't ever vote for Obama or Clinton. Hey, who's the Constitution Party's candidate this year?

btww - yeah, Favre finally retired. What, you people didn't see it coming? Me neither. Oh well. We'll miss ya buddy.

Now, off to play poker!


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