Sunday, March 12, 2006

We actually had a nice little weekend planned...

I wouldn't say the weekend was a total loss, but it was close. Nothing I tried to accomplish went very well.

First there was the crib. Now... I know what you are thinking. "they're already putting a crib up?" You don't understand. The hot wife and I are two of the most impatient people you have never really met, but read about. I haven't met any of you, have I?

Anyways, the crib went good at first. I hauled it down from the garage rafters, hauled it upstairs to the nursery... which, by the way, took about an hour and a half. I was lazy. I get it all up there, start putting it together, and we're missing parts. Lesson number one, expect to be missing parts when you get something from someone else and store it in your garage for a few years. Lesson number two... put it together 8 months early, so you can discover you are missing parts, and have plenty of time to order them online. On the best website ever. www. I even wrote them an email telling them how much I loved their website. I feel like such a f-ing soccer mom.

Then, there was the washer from hell. It still is from hell. The stupid hose inside was leaking all over our basement floor every time we did the wash, which for two people, is all the time. I can't imagine when we have a third person... it's going to be 24/7 laundry.

So, we go to Home Depot to get a new hose. Bring it home, hook it up, it's too short, and it leaks. Back to Home Depot. They have one other hose. Bring it home, it's too small and doesn't fit where the hose has to go.


So I figure, fuck it. I'm not even going to fix this stupid thing today. That's how I am. I always start things, and never want to finish them So , I'll just go put our brand new ceiling fan up. Well, turns out that involves ripping the ceiling tiles off the ceiling, which didn't go as easily has I'd hoped.

Stay tuned for part two, drywalling the ceiling. Fun!

I did get to see a few movies this weekend though, since we can't really go out anymore. It was nice though. We spent the whole week running around, telling everyone about the pregnancy. It was nice to be home and do nothing but watch movies. We saw Walk the Line and two movies with Ryan Reynolds in them. I dunno, I don't see what women see in this guy...

Yeah, fine... I can quit shaving for a week and look exactly the same. I don't get it. Anyways, I don't even remember what the movies were anymore. Fuck it.

Walk the Line was pretty dumb. I mean, I like Johnny Cash and all, but ok, he popped a lot of pills, we get it. Where's the rest of the damn movie? Boring.

So that's it really. A pictatorial description of the trials and tribulations of a couple in love, experiencing pregnancy, home ownership and the endless walks of life on the couch watching epic films about love, drug use and one shift working in a restaurant. Or whatever,



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