Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Are you threatening me???

Im baffled. I really am. I just got done reading a news story about a couple of liberals who are going to be getting together to start a website. They are touting it as the "anti-Drudge".

Im slowly coming to the conclusion that those who are truly interested in getting the liberal message out there, and who are trying their hardest to counter the conservative message, are nuts. These people are just really dumb.

The people who started Air-America, or whatever stupid name they go by.... dumb. Al Gore, starting his new tv station.... dumb.

Liberals in this country are going crazy because they just cant figure out why people like Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge are so popular (and I hardly consider Drudge a big time conservative, but whatever...). They are so desperate to counter conservatives like Rush, they are looking like idiots, and wasting a lot of money on nothing in the process.

Why is Rush Limbaugh so popular then? Why is Fox News Channel beating the pants off every major news channel out there?

Because you idiots, there is no where else to hear conservative view points in this country! Roughly half of the people in this country are tilted conservative. The last two presidential elections are just proof of that. But without Rush Limbaugh, Fox News Channel, Drudge, and maybe a handful of local talk radio hosts, where do you get a message that caters to conservative view points?

Liberal view points are everywhere. Every newspaper in America is liberal. Every university, public school, city council... liberal, liberal, liberal. Every major news channel, ABC, NBC, CNN... liberal, liberal, liberal.

People that try to counter Rush, Drudge and Fox News Channel are just going to look like idiots, because their market is so saturated already. There is, however, a tremendous market for conservative viewpoints, which is why those people have the followings they do.

Its simple supply and demand folks. I would think, you know, with liberals having a strangle hold on education in this country, they would understand that.... Maybe they need to piss away a couple more billion dollars on failed radio and tv before they get the picture.

I had a much more fun post planned for today, but I think I will save it for tomorrow. You know, mix it up a bit... Its been a while since I bitched about liberals....

peace nick


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liberals are everywhere but they are so out of touch it's pathetic.

They look at conservatives as backwood religious zealots, but most conservatives are your average middle class working famly. The working class doesn't buy into their liberal bullshit but they keep on preaching it as if we really care.

3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont know that I agree they are out of touch. Out of touch with conservatives maybe, but most polls show the country about split, so they are certainly among friends.

My point is just that they already have multiple ways of getting their message out. Why on earth do they keep spending all their money on failed tv and radio?

It would be like conservatives trying to come up with something to counter the teachers' unions. You would be wasting your time and money, because they control that market and always will.

peace nick

7:25 AM  

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