Friday, September 10, 2004

Im original, are you?

So guess what? There is a Mason Jennings concert in Madison tonight, and I'm missing it. Bunk! What's that? Who is Mason Jennings? Well losers, maybe if you didn't solely rely on radio and MTV for your music, and instead had some original tastes, you would know who Mason Jennings is...
There's a crap load of music out there that doesn't make the radio for various reasons, that doesn't mean it isn't any good. But people are just too lazy to look for it, give it a try and expand their narrow interests. If you are still waiting for the latest Chili Peppers cd, you are a tool, you will always be a tool and you should leave my blog now.
Instead go to, buy one of the cds, and enjoy some good music for once in your sorry, pathetic life.
There I feel better now that some of the frustration of missing his show is gone...




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